
It would be terrible if the Red Cross Bloodmobile got into an accident. No, wait. That would be good because if anyone needed it, the blood would be right there.

Quick, to the NYT, for an article about how this racist attack has affected Trump voters and whether they still support him!

They have a couple ways out of that one. For starters its really just about denying women rights and independence.

Not to be a big downer here, but all the centrist arguments would be ok with chucking this girl. Any time a Dem opens their mouth about ‘dreamers’ it’s always about them being hardworking, or students, or contributing to the economy. Not one word about just welcoming people to America and sharing what we have because

So, what I’m hearing is this famous public shooting wasn’t the fault of the white guy we caught with the smoking gun?

Roger that. Heading into the 4th quarter, the score stands at Basic Goodness and any Ray of Hope: 1, The Widening Gyre: Fleventy Five Skrillion and two.

Beat me to it. But as someone who just graduated grad school, tripling his income, and living in SoCal (still well short of 250k, less than 100k in fact), it stretches.

... for whatever you live is Life. That is something to remember when you meet the old classmate who says, “Well now, on our last expedition up the Congo-” or the one who says, “Gee, I got the sweetest little wife and three of the swellest kids ever-” You must remember it when you sit in hotel lobbies or lean over

here’s whats up. I got long, skinny arms. I’m at the beach with kids, I dig straight down, get maybe 3-3.5 foot deep hole going. maybe like 6" diameter at most. Like, my whole body is levered into the sand, whole shoulder is in the hole, and I can excavate no more.

They still have marshrutkas (or did as of 2008.)

You could always advocate for more funding and smarter routing.

wait until when/if they convince the city they’ve taken up the slack enough to cut the buslines. You’ll end up paying all those quarters back in your first couple rides when the fares go up.

So a couple dozen/hundred Whiteboys from the best schools (who all think they are some shining vanguard solving the world’s problems where no one else could) put their heads together for several years and came up with... dolla vans. Aka mutatus, aka matrushkas, aka what naturally arises in every poor underserved

Has anyone suggested he go lay his head on the railroad tracks, and wait for the EE?

Yep. Us millenials won’t cash out our savings to flood poor, rural, hateful areas with no hope of job prospects, eating weeds for eight to twelve years until enough elections go by that the map goes blue.

Were the two contemporaneous? French Revolution was 1793. I know they didnt like it, and that Tom Paine died penniless and broke because he was in favor, but had the EC not been banged out by then? Were talking like three elections in by the time of the revolution, which Im no historian but there had to be some time

At the end of the day if you want to run fast, you need to train faster (aka just hard work).

Generally, 10k or shorter I dont even drink water. You don’t need it, you cant process it before the race is over.

You take the inside if you have line of sight to the inside.

In college a lot of people tried to make their gait more efficient, and I think the general consensus was they were just getting in their own heads and in the way of their own bodies.