
It is so fucking hilarious I triggered you so badly. Did all of my previous comments hit you too close to home? I think they did. You have all of my replies flagged and deleted and then call ME a coward? You started this pissing contest...and as is customary, gutless trash like you can dish it out but you can’t take

Coward? You’re the one talking SO tough from the safety of your keyboard, shit stain. Besides...I figured I’d give you a break from stalking me so you could get back to jacking off to your child porn. Like I said before...if you’re so lonely, go register on some gay chat sites, I’m sure they will have the’s really sweet that you could take a moment away from your child porn operation to respond to me with a Juggalo joke. What a zinger.

Here’s the Clinton Foundation reality show that doesn’t see the light of day because of their bought and paid for media:

She’s a fucking monster....with a rapist, monstrous husband to match.

Hey douche wheel, not everyone has somewhere to go, the money to rent a hotel room for like a week or don’t have any way to travel. It fucking sucks but maybe you should do a news report on how to stay safe during a hurricane instead. Fuck you.

Women watching movies were men get drowned, tortured, burnt to deat, suffocated, stabbed, shot, blown up, castrated, run over by cars... and I assume there is some of that in this movie as well

I am a son, brother, husband, and father to the women and girls in my life

Now playing

It’s no different from when she tried to get Californian’s to kill then Senator Barack Hussein Obama

It's truly shocking the staff of so called feminist website Jezebel only sleeps with alt bros, norm bros, sports bros and just big broy bros instead of men like at deadspin

Whoa. Whoa! Let’s take a step back here. No one is accusing you — you, this precious fucking snowflake nobody — of making shit up for lols and clicks. I know the whole fucking internet and your parents and professors can vouch for you getting laid, etc. Pardon us, on behalf of the world. A thousand pardons, princess.

You should look at photos of Iran prior to our “involvement” in their country. They were pretty progressive and awesome and then we had to kill their leaders and they in turn radicalized and fought back against our puppets.

Anyone who thought Saddam had anything to do with Al-Qaeda was a fucking moron. Now that I know you’re a fucking moron, your posts make a lot more sense.

You should wonder why Hillary Clinton is the best your party could come up with.

Wow. You know me so well...

Don’t pretend you didn’t think I’m a Trump supporter.

Yeah, but hating on a city people have never been to is so cool!

Wow, the amount of classy, over-educated, ivory tower d-bags in here is quite high.

Nah. You’re projecting. These are ordinary block-party neighbors having a bit of fun. I admire their resourcefulness.