
Oops guess we’re not supposed to talk about that here are we? Fuck you, you piece of shit.’s ok snowflake....I’m sure there’s more than enough of Hillary’s pedophiles left in the White House to make you and the rest of your fellow ignorant fucks here happy. Maybe you can plan a nice trip to Haiti and rape some homeless children to lift your so many of your Democrat hero Clinton

Yeah by us NOT electing HRC, we avoided another Hitler. Good point.

Nice effort...I’m sure a few senior citizens at your work think you’re edgy though.

Except bitches for the system like yourself wouldn’t be willing to listen to it.

You fuckers are so disgusting with this shit. This is really desperate and pathetic. Have the balls to talk about Bill’s rapes and HRC’s involvement...and a million other things connected to those evil sacks of shit. Why don’t you have the courage to talk about the things that matter?

I’m sure your ‘How i got HIV’ story would be MUCH better than anything those lowly contestants could come up with.

It’s obvious his achievements couldn’t possibly compare to you and your ‘quality control employee of the quarter’ awards at the shoe outlet.

It’s not a conspiracy theory when it’s all TRUE. Stupid cunt.

No...he didn’t. But over-react some more in between playing a ridiculous devil’s advocate argument on a fucking message board.

Yeah just like rapist Bill Clinton...oh and the cunt that helped him cover so many of them up...the one you guys support so blindly.

She’s a fucking monster....with a rapist, monstrous husband to match.

Bill sure does.

And Hillary supporters are all behind a psychotic monster of a woman who laughed about the rape of the 12 year old, helped cover up numerous rapes committed by her husband, sold government secrets to the highest bidder with a private email server, helped steal countless millions in relief money to Haiti via the

Must also be pretty rough to stand next to a psychotic monster of a woman who laughed about the rape of the 12 year old, helped cover up numerous rapes committed by her husband, sold government secrets to the highest bidder with a private email server, helped steal countless millions in relief money to Haiti via the

Can you see Texas from your high horse, dick-eater?

And you think for a fucking second that Hillary isn’t those exact same things?? Go read up on the corruption and evil of JUST the Clinton Foundation alone....because it casts a pretty fucking wide shadow on anything Trump has done(or most of the other scumbag billionaires for that matter). But stupid fucks like you

What a burn. So impressive.

Cool story bro.

It’s ok buddy, it’s not your fault.