
I’m sorry your uncle makes you eat his cum sandwiches and tells you they are moldy mayonnaise sandwiches. :(

He’s probably upset about random fucktards who think their comments are witty and clever but aren’t. Hopefully he doesn’t encounter any of those - oh sorry dude too late I guess....thanks to you.

Yeah Trump’s crooked bullshit overrides Bill’s rapes and HRC’s part in covering them up/intimidating victims, the murders connected to the Clintons, the Clinton Foundation and the endless corruption connected to it, HRC selling state dept secrets to the highest bidder using a private email server, Benghazi, etc etc

Treason, accessory to murder, accessory to rape...among probably a million other things involving the Clinton Foundation alone.

Um...I think Bill committing rapes while president is probably more disgraceful to this country...If RJ had any balls he would call out Hillary on helping to cover up said rapes...or call her out for selling State Dept secrets with her private email server...or Benghazi...or Vince Foster...etc etc etc etc. What

How fucking delusional ARE you? Holy fuck.

LOL @ ‘she’.

It’s easier to decide to support Hillary than get audited or die in a mysterious plane/car crash...oh or commit suicide in an impossible way. Pretty obvious why every major media outlet is supporting her even though it’s a little difficult to find a single person on the street outside of a political rally that doesn’t

Why don’t you pussies write articles on the CIA’s drug trafficking and the accompanying money laundering of said drugs by Chase and other banks? Fucking sell out.

Sit down and take your fucking meds, Francis.

YES...lets complain about the complaint.

Great example.

I know I really hate it when someone gives an opinion. :/

Which one are you, Nooyawk or ad infinitum?

Wow that’s such an accurate description of Bill Clinton...although you left out the part where he is a serial rapist.

Yeah it’s just best to believe everything the govt, their paid shills, and the msm tells us and not question anything. They historically have always proven to have our best interests in mind after all.

I totally agree...he’s undoubtedly broken the noses of at least a couple women he has raped.

Hill must be supporting Trump, thus the article.

What complete bullshit. At least you’re consistent.

Your reply would’ve been funnier if you were cutting yourself while typing it.