
Is it cool when Hillary does it...

But to fair is Madam President not also a breast gazer?

You Suck!

Society needs to get real that blacks commit a hugely disproportionate amount of the violent crime and, for that reason partly or maybe primarily, cops interact with them more and are more fearful during the encounter.

So being against unaccountable bloated bureaucracy that let’s wealthy neoliberal elites make deals to get trade favorites is “trashball”?

Real mature argument there. When grown ups argue we actually explain WHY we don’t agree with certain people or ideas. We realize that just saying “fuck you” with absolutely no reasoning as to WHY we’re saying it only make us look foolish and immature. You might want to reassess your arguing skills before you go off

One of the core aspects of your article here is the insistence that there is something wrong with the nativist attitudes behind the Brexit vote and the anti-immigrant feelings that are spreading throughout the West. Simply saying that these things are bad is not an argument against them but a cheap emotional appeal.

Because the eventual overtaking of the native English people by third world imported hordes is much less a problem than temporary economic turbulence?

You have to be insane to think that intolerance and racism have no place in society. These tendencies exist in people for a reason. Once you establish a new population of peoples who reproduce at rates far greater than the natives, the new population becoming the majority is the only logical outcome. How is it wrong

Says the ignorant.

Is it too much to ask to have my nerd news without all the liberal propaganda. This article is beyond unprofessional.

lol the best part is you think you won this when you keep doing exactly what I was trying to get you to do

My goal was to make it clear you were here for the white-guy concern trolling and get you to say some really dumb shit and you delivered, it’s all good.

Yeah especially when racism is against white people, #allbeckysmatter

“I wasn’t focusing on the article”

So, too lazy for the full AA troll, got it.

Haha, Kotaku made up a non-story to take a shot at Brexit. Look at the globalists scramble for any support they can get. lol

That’s funny. Clinton actually has her name tied to several deaths not even counting the Benghazi fiasco. She would be much more fitting of the title.

hahaha someone complaining that becky is racist against whites and then trying to work in “woke”

“widespread financial fallout”..

Psssh. I was blowing absurd amounts of money on pointless shit over a 4 year period before it was even cool.