
There's a plain and simple fact that story writing and presentation for games has evolved while Final Fantasy has not. I've spent the last four years studying how to make video games for a living. In doing so, I realize that Japan languishes in character development, emotional expression, and story structure even

It's similar enough that the cheat apps came out the same day. :)

Please keep your bias to yourself. In the same week you run stories about the difference between violence and aggression, you fail to realize the difference between a target shooting game and, say, No Russian.

They will be forced to deal with this sometime. It's only a matter of time before a PewDiePie or Minute Physics gets permabanned.

This sounds like a fundamental flaw in advertising on the part of ad providers. You have to be able to identify individual users, perhaps not by name, in order to know "hey, these 900 clicks all came from the same computer/google account. If websites can track unique visitors, adsense is WAY behind.

Sir, when I finish these finals I am turning your reply into a video game.

I don't see the big deal. Out of necessity, we've WLAN'd the entire house. If you looked at our floor plan and where the FiOS drop is located, you'd understand my residence to be the absolute worst-case scenario for good WiFi. But with a good router, the one extra hop really doesn't mean anything. Gaming is fluid,

I've attempted to play Final Fantasy X THREE TIMES NOW, each time turned off by the horrific acting and snail's pace. Should there be any reason at all for me to try it again?

These look like a college kid made his first normal map and ratcheted it up to 200%. There's no point in exclusive fancy effects if they're not adherent to the art style. Look at the bottom image: The layer that is supposed to be "worn off paint" is an extremely low-res map, causing the clean texture underneath to

Still shooting themselves in the foot, I see.

Several reasons. In short, the controller. Beautiful screen? Check! Having to move my ENTIRE F***ING HAND if I want to use the face buttons or the right thumb stick? No, thank you. Keep in mind this is even AFTER Nintendo realized that thumbs move in arcs. It's the same reason I hate the 3DS. Can't play the

Er, at least they're trying to. Their kickstarter is a little short.

Now playing

Related: Is anyone aware the Nitronic Rush guys are making a new game?

$15, huh? Does this mean we can look forward to about 25% of the gameplay time of a new-release AAA title? Because, that's how I'm trying to justify this in my head.

At least you could reach everything on that controller.

Eh, I think I'll sit this one out. Considering a bluray costs $30 these days, anyway. Wonky frame timing and mixed-in CG on the ones, erratic story timing (typical of anime, but seriously how much time do they have to explain shit in the middle of a gun fight?). There are parts I like about this, sure, but the

Perhaps, but it's more likely just a corrupted texture in memory. Notice it only affects the mipmaps of that part of the road.

I've also seen this happen in ME3. It's a corrupted texture in memory. Not a big deal, unless you start seeing it frequently - an indicator of hardware failure.

At your request, I logged into and played your game for over a half hour. You are correct that your game does not harass me like other games on the facebook platform do. Over the 30 minutes, I was forcibly prompted the first time (just after customization) and politely asked a second, final time (end of the

I think you're missing the point. These are both terrible. If I had turned any of these in for any of my CG classes, I would have been flunked.