I’ve been playing Final Fantasy VII in Japanese and English at the same time, and I’m noticing a trillion tiny…
I’ve been playing Final Fantasy VII in Japanese and English at the same time, and I’m noticing a trillion tiny…
I am so glad I played Sonic Mania before seeing this article. The Chemical Plant Zone boss reveal was brilliant. Bit of a shame that you’re spoiling it in the header image a whole 24 hours after its release. Maybe change it?
I presented a panel on the history of the Super NES CD-ROM at the Seattle Retro Gaming Expo, and now you can watch the video! Digging for information on this unreleased add-on (and the “Nintendo PlayStation” as well) turned up a lot of surprising facts and crazy stories.
Hi Heather, I was referring to Cosmo, which was definitely a he. Now we have Narcissa, a bona fide woman, but Cosmo was a guy. To me, at least. Hope we can agree on that... ? In any case, no foul play intended. And we should really leave that gender part out. Got nothing to do with this awesome game and this amazing…
To Activision, Trek Industries and Orion are insignificant. But they need to protect their assets due to the can of worms it can open by not doing so.
$2400 for 4 player co-op.
I doubt it’s anything as complicated as toggling off or on collision layers. It looks to me like it’s just a matter of cancelling the trampoline animation at a point where the character’s pivot bone is below the ground (see Lucas at 1:09).
Yesterday, a fan-made Power Rangers reboot released on video hosting site Vimeo. The video, which showcased a more…
Physically-based shading has been the deferred lighting of this generation so far.
Seems like it would save them both time and money to just get it right the first time.
Making games as a solo developer is a hard lifestyle. You can put a lot of hours into making something that goes…
Hey, if they did an XB1 RB4 I'd be willing to pay another one time fee of $5-$10 to transfer all my songs to the new version. I mean that's what it took to get over copyright issues from RB1 to RB2 (for the actual on disc songs to transfer).
Wait, wait... are you telling me it's possible for an update to a game console's OS can actually make things faster, instead of making things slower and more convoluted with every update?
We once asked our readers which they felt more strongly about, a speedy frame rate or a higher video resolution. The…
I would like to see the ability to DISABLE KINECT GESTURES.
Given the huge pain that Matt Kraus, author of Social Fixer, has just undergone, I'm kinda surprised that the authors of ABP would risk litigation with Facebook. Matt was able to negotiate keeping most of the features of SFX so that FB still isn't as annoying as the unfiltered site but now ABP is jumping into the…