
This does take a fairly sharp knife to accomplish, but we all have sharp knives in our kitchens, right?

You can save yourself the time and effort by buying pre-peeled garlic. Costco sells a 3 lb bag of the stuff, and I roast that. It’s amazing!

You know that albumin is the primary protein in the albumen, though, right? The distinction you’re making is like saying, “This is not a tree. It’s a plant.”

Yeah, it seems to me that it’s a concentration and proximity thing. On a gas grill, you have a long (18ish inches) straight burner that’s 3+ inches away from the surface to be heated (the pot/pan/skillet/etc). On a stove, you have a 3-5" ring of fire that is in direct contact with the object to be heated. 

Isn't that technically what any gas stove is? I mean, yeah, you could start a grease fire, but plenty (read millions) of people use a gas stove every day and don't set their house on fire. 

Would not recommend that you do this. It's likely we'll need boosters (notice the extra two entry lines on the card?) 

Sorry if this is a dumb question: How are people supposed to use a space heater if the power is out and they’re not supposed to use propane, gas, etc.? Is the assumption that they have a generator?

Recipes I find and want to try take up temporary residence in Evernote. As others noted, the web clipper functionality is amazing. Once I’ve tried making it and it get a thumbs up, it lands a permanent home in Google Docs where I make modifications, add notes and photos, etc.

Thank you for this article. I was royally confused by the naming convention. As they say, there are 3 hard problems in computer science: naming things, and off by one errors. Seems like the, Xbox might suffer from them all. 

You had what I affectionately, with a touch of disdain, refer to as a "stick pan." It's no longer non-stick, therefore it must be "stick." 

I am sorry to hear that. That is awful. 

Didn’t listen to the episode. The two points presented in the article seem legit. That said, getting advice from a divorce lawyer about staying together is kind of like getting advice on being vegan from a butcher. Seems like a therapist, specifically a marriage and family therapist, might be a more credible source of

Some potentially good news for your students: the University of California system is doing away with SAT and ACT scores for admissions. I don't know where you live, but even if you're not in California, maybe the UC decision will influence your local university system. 

Two words: Planned obsolescence.

Yup. Totally agree! I will only ever use my mandoline with a cut-resistant glove. Otherwise, the prospect of cutting myself is simply too great, even with the guard.

Yup. I was eating elderberry gummies for the last several months and then I heard about this, so I stopped.

Not exactly true. Elderberry has been proven to increase production of cytokines, which is—in effect—boosting your immune system. In fact, the problem is that it can boost cytokine production to the point where it produces an an overwhelming inflammatory response, known as a “cytokine storm” that results in acute

I know this was not the point of your article, but I recommend actually *going* to the store to get your toilet paper. Costco, Walmart, Target where I live all have it. But you can’t get it for delivery; you have to go to the store. But nevertheless, my point is that toilet paper is out there, but you will have to get

They must have already had 500k people sign up. I tried this afternoon, and was only offered 14 days.

Well, the article explicitly stated that there was no requirement for payment details. So that seems kind of wrong.