
Looks like they blew the special effects budget on a Snapchat mustache filter.

she proved that pregnancy couldn’t stop her from winning her 23rd Grand Slam! I don’t even know what a grand slam is but am certain it’s an incredible feat.


Catalina :) (we speak Spanish around these parts)

I eloped yesterday! It was small and quick as hell and awesome.

Gee. you think? (H8s JR in an offhand way, mostly because of shitty acting & entitled attitude)

I grew up there and at that time the state was quite progressive. Remember at one time they actually had a Socialist Mayor? Now they have the most regressive politics I could imagine.

Not really, though they gave us Scott Walker and Paul Ryan. The area around Madison is beautiful as is any land near the Mississippi. The peninsula (Door County) has been compared to Cape Cod, so all the rich people from Chicago buy vacation homes there. Milwaukee sits right next to Lake Michigan and has a lovely

No, really you guys, it works. I’ve eaten every cake I’ve ever been in proximity to, and I’ve never once caught The Gay.

To Donald:

Donald: this is the deal, take it or leave it!


It was such an elegant trick. Pass a republican health care plan, and then watch them flail trying to oppose it. I wanted single payer, but gotta admit it’s not half bad watching them pretend this wasn’t their best idea in the first place.

It’s like a twisted version of that compliment sandwich thing you’re supposed to use as a manager.

Welcome to my shop! Lemme cut your mop!

“Just fuck me up, fam.”

He literally got famous by showing how suburban white men are grunting moronic troglodytes. Literally. And proudly.

2008: Lipstick on a pig.

She could stop pretending to be black without having to straighten and bleach her hair and start drinking pumpkin spice lattes and reading Nicholas Sparks novels. She can still dress and do her hair how she likes and speak in nothing but bell hooks quotes if she wants. She can do all of that without claiming to be