
I bet he makes women lie to him and say they orgasmed from just his whack dick

Over/under on number of comments in this thread being men humblebragging about how much they make their ladies orgasm and expressing disbelief that other men don’t?

Am I the only one who tells them when they don’t get the job done? My Type A-ness doesn’t allow me to quietly have my time wasted. If you finish and I don’t you best believe you’re hearing about it.

Sikhs are against flue shots?

I can’t believe how so many people didn’t get the joke.

Omg people, he’s KIDDING

sorry prachi! i was trying to be parodic, but that might not be where the country is right now - lunacy is the new norm.

She then lists an alarming number of fake “emotional effects:” depression, regret, being triggered around the date of the abortion (something she called the “anniversary effect”), and that some women will be unable to go to baby showers for the rest of their lives.

33 mobile crisis pregnancy centers that roam the country to deter pregnant woman from seeking abortions and then nudge them towards evangelism.

As an involved, enthusiastic stepmom to 3 boys, I have to say we aren’t that bad. Geez.

I will never not be flabbergasted by this story. Like... what? So many questions and statements that I need to say whenever I read that story.


Can you help me figure out which of my locals were part of it?

Oh, we called Obama out on that many a time. The Administration and Congress just refused to hear us. Very few liberal democrats appreciated Obama’s waffling on immigration nor his execution of foreign policy via drone.   While some come-latelies can certainly be called out for not speaking up about it in the past,

Only one business in my community closed down for the event and it is the best Mexican restaurant in town. Someone posted on their Facebook page “I guess I’ll just go to Taco Bell instead.” and the restaurant just responded with a puking emoji. It was beautiful.

They were warned. It was explained to them. Still, they persisted.

OMG. I am SOOOO sex positive and you-do-you-y and nonjudgmental BUT THAT’S SO MANY PARTNERS OMG.

And she retracted the allegations as part of a child custody agreement, so you know the threat was basically “shut your mouth or we’ll take your kids away” which is just repugnant.

From a CNN article...