
This seems like a non-story. The ceremony would probably have happened in the middle of the week when school is in session, and you just can’t expect UNC players to skip classes.

Kelly lacks the humanity for this.

what the f kind of advice did you give to question 1

I haven’t seen this episode since the original watch, so I don’t remember many details. I do remember it was the episode that sold me on Bojack because it challenged the mindless “support our troops” orthodoxy.

I would say that’s a good and fair observation. From what I’ve culled, the Black Bloc is the worst of the antifa.

Dozens of anti-facists protesters, known as antifa, pounced when Joey Gibson, founder of the right-wing group Patriot Prayer, showed up with his crew. Antifa protesters beat one man with a shield and another person wearing an American flag.

It needs to be stressed that this wouldn’t have happened without crowd-sourcing his identity. The Cville police have made no effort to investigate these people. Every single arrest has come only because private citizens have identified these people and assembled evidence themselves.

With a name like Smelcer he had to be bad.

This took a pretty serious Settlers-of-Catan turn.

Leave Ron Johnson alone. His comments may have been affected by the fact that he’s quite stupid and that might have factored in.

The original messages seem less horrifying if you hear the horn section and imagine Chevy Chase mugging to the camera. Wait no, they’re even more horrifying now.

Omg now I can’t unhear this hahahaha

They sound like lyrics to a really fucked up version of “You Can Call Me Al.”


Cucked, lib.

trapper keeper or gtfo

Any truth to the rumor that WH staffers have covered up all the mirrors, because Trump keeps on attacking that other president?

He did not, however, specify what the inaccuracies may have been.

Yeah, I will generally come down on her side. But as PinkBunnyHat said below, if you can’t use the dinglehopper correctly, well I don’t have time you anymore.

Wow call me too invested in it or whatever but I actually fucking HATE Amber’s post. If you’re not going to commit to putting the prongs in your hair you don’t deserve to share a diptych with Ariel you HACK.