
Hey! That must be why he always says he loves Mexicans. It’s because of Dora the Explorer. There’s a map in every single episode!

Quite clarity. Much understand.

Libruls want to focus on small mistakes instead of talking about all the great things W.E.B. is doing these days. 

On the flip side, I hope he does somehoe get it into his head to argue before the Supremes.

Me too. I was like “I bet that’s not legal, but what the hell do they care lately’

I don’t know how Martin Van Buren survived without a FLOTUS.

I remember this.

Ok but back to the important part - how many abortions did you sell her?

I used to volunteer a lot for Planned Parenthood in Los Angeles, and much of that was “community outreach” — going to communities that had a clinic and passing out information about the services it offered. The very first time I did one of those, I had what remains the most rewarding and simultaneously most

no one in their right mind would ever fuck them?

This is not exactly the same, but I’ve been using a (free) service that calls you daily during your morning commute, and briefs you on a “progressive issue of the day”. If you care about the issue, it automatically connects you to your representative’s office.

This does not sound like a magic trick.


Man, they’re going to kickass at Motherboy this year!

Lutheran or Canadian?

I don’t think there is a better metaphor for the current state of media.

Now, now, I think Republican state houses in Wisconsin and NC and other places that drastically curtailed the voting rights of their minority constituents deserve a lot of credit too!

Whenever I read the name Shelley Miscavige, I imagine her looking like Shelley Duvall.