“I hate this kid,” he wrote in a now-deleted tweet about Thunberg, reports NicoNico. “If I pulled the strings that controlled the world, I would like to snatch everything away from her, knock her into the dregs of hope, and sneer.”
“I hate this kid,” he wrote in a now-deleted tweet about Thunberg, reports NicoNico. “If I pulled the strings that controlled the world, I would like to snatch everything away from her, knock her into the dregs of hope, and sneer.”
You sue for unpaid wages AND the studio could be investigated for fraud.
Also, imagine feeling so threatened by a young woman who is trying to do good for you and the entire planet that you spew that kind of idiocy.
The exec has denied all the allegations, except for taking the photos. “I was asked so I took the photos,” Maki is quoted as saying. “The truth is different.”
Maki reportedly claimed was training her to enter the entertainment industry.
They convince “taxpayers” that it’s actually the poor who are ripping them off and that vindictively severing a valuable and needed service is an altruistic act, as they’re “lowering your tax burden” AND forcing those lazy deadbeat layabouts to get jobs and “contribute to the economy” so they can pay taxes of their…
I hate people who make faces at the people using their WIC or SNAP cards in the store. What entitles them to judge what poverty should look like? If they had their way, everyone on food stamps would have to smear soot on their faces and walk around in a gunny sack.
There’s absolutely no way that’s happening. People just do not accept anything over $500 for a console. PS4Pro will basically be 4 years old by the time PS5 is out and that was $400.
Why does it always seem like no one even mentions JRPGs or other Japanese games when the topic of console exclusives, particularly third-party exclusives, comes up?
No, it’s rendered pointless because you can play their games without owning the console hardware. His point is about the box itself, not the brand or game pass or the few worthwhile first party games Microsoft has managed to release this gen. Why buy an Xbox when you can just play first party games like Gears 5 on a…
Where did I say it was bad?
The part that boggles my mind is that a firm as large as State Street doesn’t have PR flunkies smart enough to know that engaging in this fight will generate more ill will than winning it could possibly ever recoup.
“No thanks, I have a boyfriend.” - His thoughts: ‘She’s a liar’ or ‘fuck her for fucking other men.’
Exactly. There is no rulebook any of us can follow, though god knows society keeps telling us there’s one (don’t wear revealing clothes, don’t walk home after this hour, don’t do that thing, or that thing). It. Doesn’t. Fucking. Matter.
I wish we could blame Trump for this as well, but this has ALWAYS been the mindset on these scumbags: “I desire this, therefore I am owed it...and if not, then she better have a pretty damn good explanation why not, and even then, I might just kill her anyway. ” Elliot Rodger’s so-called “manifesto”, written before he…
I would agree except that women have been dealing with predators raping and killing them for basically forever. The only difference now is that we have video surveillance cameras (or bystanders wielding camera phones) that can catch people in the horrific act.
Maybe I am psychic, but I am thinking your boss is generally a shit boss, right? Because people who respond to employees concerns about their safety in that way are probably totally inept at all aspects of people management. I am sorry you are going through this. It is not OK.
He would have assaulted her no matter what she said or didn’t say.
“We are removing all associated games from sale and revoking your access to the Steamworks backend.”
Articles like this highlight why I stick to single player games, almost exclusively. Even if 90% of the people playing actually play the game correctly, that remaining 10% can sap the fun out of the entire experience. Couple that with the toxic language and blaring music that I hear when I play online shooters, and…