
Wy would you do a thing like that? The only difference between rural PA and Alabama is the weather. And I am certainly not moving to Alabama. There's not enough money in the world. 

As a Texas dude, I was shocked at how pretty Pennsylvania was. Even Pittsburgh is nice.

There I was, behind center for the Buffalo Bills. What madness led to this I had no time to ponder. As the supple leather of the ball slid into my hand, I took one step back, then two, then three. As I surveyed the field for potential recipients, I saw an outside linebacker charging like an angry rhino directly at my

This morning they ruled out a gas leak and they’ve also said they do not suspect foul play.

I get that, but Trump has to be defeated by all means. We’ll deal with undoing the fire afterward.

Because that’s not how you win elections. Being the most principled loser doesn’t help you forward any political positions.   It does help you get a bunch of young urban coastal voters, and if they weren’t functionally disenfranchised by virtue of not living in one of the handful of places where votes count, that

And yet we aren’t judging Christianity by the actions of Mormons, Westboro Baptist, the Catholic Church molesters, etc. etc.

Philly person here and completely agree on Pat’s and Geno’s. Go to Dalessandro’s in Roxborough.

No fucking way. Simmons is an All Star already in just his second season without being able to shoot. Zion can’t shoot either, but doesn’t have anywhere near the ball skills; and if you think that his finishing around the rim will translate right away when he goes up against NBA fours, the first time he ever faces

He doesn’t owe us an explanation.

Because I’m also in the greys I can respond and not bring you around but this has got to be the most disingenuous fucking thing I have ever read. You basically discount and entire race of people and their problems because you, as a white guy who can’t possibly be in their shoes, do not believe them, period. You

Not just the bank. He needs to sue the city’s overzealous police force as well. Why was “cuffing and stuffing” him necessary prior to verifying the attempted transaction was illegitimate? The bank had him on camera and, most likely, his residential address on at least one of his ID’s, so if the check was fake they

We will never be the “good guy with a gun.” The 2nd amendment was never written “for us” it was written to protect “them” from “us.” 

And if the Seahawks had even remotely managed their salary cap, they could have already extended him. This isnt about the owner making money, its about not going over the salary cap. Paul Allen could give him 30 million a year and not notice it was gone, but the cap doesnt allow. You know...the cap that they players

These shirts serve an important role in society: They easily identify people you should avoid talking to at all costs.

There it is right there. Why do we listen to sports people about issues out of their expertise when there are people with PhD’s who are experts in their fields? (Rhetorical question. Because that would require more thought and effort than it takes to watch “Inside the NBA”.) That show’s anecdotes are entertaining when

Anyone can be a white supremacist. The term means someone who believes white people are inherently better than everyone else - it’s white SUPREMACIST. Not WHITE supremacist. The person holding the belief about whites being the “supreme” race doesn’t have to be white themselves.

The less wisdom you expect from sports people the less disappointed youre going to feel.