
Not that it matters since chances are 45 can’t tell time anyway. But the charts referenced in the article are PM not AM. 

This sucks- it sucks that politics is feels like a sport. This report feels like my team losing the Super Bowl. Shouldn’t we as a nation be happy that there was “no collusion”?

I agree with you that a lot of these socialism fears are resulting from the Cold War. The worry I have is that there is still a sense of “what’s mine is mine” in middle America. Lot’s of people truly believe that they can better themselves solely with hard work, and those who don’t better their situation are weak and

“We are overprosecuted and underprotected.”

In your opinion, are these types of racist encounters something that has always been happening and only recently being reported? Or has the election of 45 made white people feel like its ok to be openly racist?

When you say don’t tip- is there an option to tip the restaurant, the driver, or both? Curious how that works.

Another example of systematic racism.

No solution... here just a rant. This awful incident has to come from as a result of a mix of fear, mistrust, and social media platforms. These officers fear POC. Probably due to racism and the culture that gets propagated through the news. It puts them in a position where they are on high alert and their training

I don’t like Rubio either, but to be fair it did take some guts to show up last night. And his response to the question of would he refuse to accept money from the NRA was pretty fair IMO. He campaigned decades ago and the NRA/ their supporters found him and funnel money to the candidate that most represents their

As a white person in America, you might not be as familiar with this concept as I and many other people of color are, but there is something you need to know:

The train system isn’t bad and will get you to all the main areas you would want to be. Parking can be rough in center city. Highly recommend the guided tours for both residents and tourists. Reading Terminal Market is a must.

Holy shit- never heard of Redlining before. Which led me down the rabbit hole of reverse redlining. Each article I read of Harriot’s is more and more enlightening of the shit white people have done that doesn’t get talked about in the main stream media.

Not coming up with excuses for the guy- but this is a fairly common proverb. Having said that, it is tone deaf as all hell and racially insensitive. But I guess it the definition of white privilege that has me immediately assume he didn’t mean it with any racial connotations.

Are most people already in the shower when they turn the water on?

The proper way to think about it is, “How can the government remedy gross economic inequality by moving wealth from those who have too much to those who have too little?”

I hate that this is the first I’ve ever heard of these tragedies.- Speaking as a clearly privileged white 30yo man.

I get the point you’re making. They’re speaking out of both sides of their mouths. However, are they not supposed to feel sadness or compassion for those who lost their lives?

I thought something like this might fall under the situations where free speech can be impeded; such as yelling fire in a crowded theater. These protests are more about inciting riots than expressing ideologies.