
The guy on the left hand side couldn’t even afford a decent dowel to put his “flag of peace” on...I’m sure he blames globalists, minorities, liberals, Hillary, Obama, JFK and the lying media for that. The fact that he shows up to job interviews dressed and groomed the same way, reeking of last night’s 12 pack has

I appreciate the cops letting him get roughed up a bit.

Easier said than done but why can’t these people find affordable used cars and pay cash? I understand for some people this isn’t possible but come on, I’ve had numerous cars under $1000 in my lifetime. At the moment my daily driver is a crappy rusted roof 2005 Prius that cost me $800 but I’m still getting around town

This is bad base coaching. If he picks up his coach waving him home 20 feet from the bag he’s gonna put his head down and sprint.

No. A judge will tell a jury that they are not the judges of the law (See Jury Nullification) but they are the judges of the facts. That it is up to them to weigh and consider the evidence before them. That they should apply their common sense and experience to their deliberations and if they cannot convict beyond a

I know this comment will fall on deaf ears here. However, as an attorney, there just isn’t enough evidence presented at trial to convict. You have to understand the rule of evidence, what is admissible and what isn’t. While there is plenty to convict in the court of public opinion, not nearly enough for a court of

Hey! I think you’re onto something!

Yes, and honestly—you weren’t in the room, you didn’t hear the evidence, it all happened decades ago and yet you’ve apparently decided that the jury was wrong and Cosby is guilty?

What does that help? Were you privy to all the trial materials, do you know what information and evidence was brought forth? What was dismissed?

How would having 40-50 year old men running next to 20 year old kids solve anything? NCAA should increase mandatory medical oversight by people who actually know what symptoms/signs of trouble to look for in athletes at practices.

That’s really it, isn’t it? I’m not good enough to beat any of my friends on a consistent basis, so I just look for those great shots to be proud of, and if I end up with the low score, then it’s a bonus.

Little do they know that Croatians are neither whales or dolphins.

He like a good pro-wrestling heel. The way he works the refs, the dirty stick work after the whistle, fun to watch, fun to hate. The league is certainly better with him in it

I think I can appreciate Sidney being a great player and also despise him; these things are not mutually exclusive.

If you are going to own only two suits, make none of them black. Black suits make you look like a waiter and no one goes to enough funerals to make it otherwise worth it. Best to go with navy blue and a dark gray.

Because it’s the only approved word processing software at my employer.

As an attorney, fuck off, don’t count their money. I can’t tell you the number of times I have taken a case on, on a contingency fee basis only for my client to turn on me on the last minute after I got them everything they ever dreamed of, all the while they paid nothing. If you were fine with the 25% contingency fee

I feel like I have met a lot of white people who say authentic but they mean stereotypical. Like if you try to perform what feel authentic to you, they feel you are putting on an act and you have to conform to their manufactured ideas about authenticity or you are not living up to their standards.