
“the Black Eagles, led by Edelgard, who desperately wants to make fascism fashionable”

Dimitri is not down for any change at the start of the game. He can’t even speak the truth about Duscur openly to protect his best friend and their people even though he’s a direct witness and the fricking heir to the throne, and his focus is elsewhere. He’s completely useless, especially since he’s the house leader

I disagree about keeping permadeath. It puts the writers into an impossible position. The games are more character driven and the relationships between the characters are supposed to be important. But they also need to write the story in a way that most of them could die with no consequences. So you end up with things

“the Black Eagles, led by Edelgard, who desperately wants to make fascism fashionable”

I loved Daggerfall as a kid. Resting in the inn shooting fireballs in a hotel room until my Destruction skill was 100, breaking into the smithy to get that Daedric longsword...

It was also a Gigantic Buggy Mess to the point where the released version couldn't be finished (and that was before downloadable software updates were really a thing).

No, these games don’t offer actual choices, but that also was not the point. He mentioned them as examples for games about “exploring character motivations and moral dilemmas”- and that they both definitely do.

Video games are literally designed to waste your time. 

I’m not sure I’m worried about this game because of FO76.  That was an ill-advised turn into a genre that they had no experience in and nobody wanted for Fallout.  This is a more traditional Bethesda single player experience.  All of those games have ranged from good to excellent.  Doesn’t mean this game can’t be bad,

“hOw cAn wE cOmPlaIn aBoUt vIdEo gAmEs tOdAy????”

Good thing BioWare has nothing to do with this game, or else their track record might matter.

1,000 worlds will be a modding DREAM since it’ll be really easy to create locations via mods that don’t conflict with hardly any others and run a ton of them.

This opinion might somehow seem unpopular, but I have faith in my peeps at BGS. Particularly in Rockville, and particularly in the single player experience.

little in yesterday’s presentation made me feel like Starfield’s 1,000 worlds would primarily exist to explore character motivations and moral dilemmas rather than to get me a better upgrade for my gun or ship.

Haha. I am in this camp. Worst case scenario, it’ll be fine and I'll play it plenty. Best case, it'll be like the first time I played Skyrim. Or GTA 3. 

This is such a Gamer take. Reeks of know-it-all.

Bethesda has a great track record of not only building the biggest worlds in the industry, but also filling them with tons of content and wonder. I get it, we’ve seen a bunch of mediocre games come out and prioritize quantity over quality, but let’s give the benefit of

Is Starfield going to live up to the hype of a literal hype-man?  Probably not.  Am I going to buy it and play it anyway? Of course, I would have likely done that without ever seeing any of the game play.  “It’s like Fallout/ES in space.” Great, sounds good, sign me up.

Rock and Chappelle are both makin bank off of being attacked, so no surprise they’ll turn it into a live show.

holding hands is the most lewd and disgusting possible act what are you talking about you degenerate

Wait until the show is out before we start backseat writing?