They all survived for me because I’m the best Shepperd there ever was.
They all survived for me because I’m the best Shepperd there ever was.
Yup. Nine out of every ten players made it through Mass Effect 2’s final mission with everyone alive. In a mission that functions by design to have you lose some party members—one that’s so maze-like in its possible outcomes you basically need a byzantine flowchart to properly navigate every key decision.
Depends on what you run it on. Current gen console or PC? It’s honestly been a blast since day 1, despite a few bugs which were fixed almost a year ago.
It says more about is fans (celebrities included) that the attempt to “cancel” him did not work. There are enough people who are okay with his material that he can still make a living.
Physics checks out. An elephant falling that distance would splash.
As a cyclist, I have transitioned about 90% of my rides indoor via trainer and training app. After my kid was born, and several near misses including getting hit by a car while running, it was time to mitigate unnecessary risk.
Haha.This is Texas: cyclists are always presumed to be in the wrong because they should have been in a truck with firearms, like all normal people.
Nice try Hannibal.
Right! I would have picked Patrice O’neil over Burress.
“You’ve committed crimes against Skyrim and her people, what say you in your defense?!”
Okay, but if you throw out a comparison to Witcher 3 you need to tell me if anyone is having gratutious sex on top of Unicorn or not.
Sometimes, I want the gritty fantasy storytelling of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt without dealing with hundreds of hours of content or an open world map.
Okay. This sounds fine but if your review is 90% reasons why it’s different from The Witcher, it’s probably not really similar.
I mean, if the ancient Egyptians had eyeliner, I don’t see why the Nora shouldn’t.
Fire ash. Where do you think we got black pigment initially? As far as time, it doesn’t take long and she’s got plenty of shiny metal to use as a mirror.
I can ignore/forgive clipping in games with customization like multiple costumes and accessories or different playable species (like most MMOs), but it bugs me when I see it in a AAA title with a single playable character who either wears the same thing for the entire game or maybe has a few outfits/variations.
Depends on the game. I really really wanted a cyberpunk game so my group decided to try and start Shadowrun. We didn’t even finish making our damn characters. One of my friends had to create a spreadsheet to keep track of stuff. It was just so damn complex. This was their 5th edition I think (the one before this most…
I think you bring up valid points, but agree with someone elses point about partial success not inherently being better than pass/fail. My main nitpick is that you said you would offer an alternative to D&D which is a fantasy ttrpg, and was hoping i’d find one, but haven’t listed single fantasy ttrpg only sci fi?
New and interesting games are all well and good, but you can barely give someone a primer on a campaign world and expect them pay attention to it. These worlds maintain such a high population of players because you only need a basic passing knowledge of what generic fantasy is, and you can roll up a character.