This seems...flimsy. The article you’ve now linked to twice posits the following:
This seems...flimsy. The article you’ve now linked to twice posits the following:
Her video with The Financial Diet is basically proof that she isn’t actually sorry for any of her behavior.
Considering the entire campaign against her has been entirely bad-faith misquoting, outright lying, and baseless harassment, I think she has a right to complain a bit.
I literally JUST finished watching her video.
a semi-popular youtuber made a video essay on the world of shipping/anti fanculture and had to preemptively delete her twitter account because she knew she would receive abuse for it.
Oh for sure! All super true. I think Cyberpunk was a “failure” in CDPR’s eyes, just because they are operating at such a huge level that they need a huge amount of sales. But calling it a true failure is a stretch by any means.
I’m so mad at Cyberpunk 2077. It had the skeleton to be stage for a great game, and it whiffed it. Because driving around, exploring, taking photos, etc. was a blast. I did everything available, and I would have spent even more time in Night City if there had been more to do. Give me a dang reward for scaling Trash…
Social media PR person replying jovially to others = developer’s hubris. The things I learn.
(That won’t be covered though as it won’t generate the same page clicks.) How often does Kotaku write about BDO?
“The Ascent has tons of issues, but it’s totally better than Cyberpunk despite being a completely different kind of game, because Cyberpunk sucks am I right!?”
Well, if one thing’s for sure, dunking on Cyberpunk is a great way to get video game blogs to basically just reprint your press release while heaping loads of additional praise on the developer.
She’s not out. She’s still at Blizzard, she’s just not the “sponsor” of the women’s network organization there.
Yeah, that’s never actually been a thing. It’s a lovely lie they can tell to defend their paycheck.
I don’t know, man, if I get some video of some hilarious shit, I’m probably putting that online too.
I have little to no interest in the spat around Asmongold. All I hope is that nonsense toxicity doesn’t follow a lot of these WoW players over into FFXIV. I love our community, and it’s easily the best one I’ve been in over the 20 years I’ve been gaming online...
That said, it’s also ridiculous to think that one…
Man, this is one of those fights where no one wins.
It does bug me that there isn’t at least a simple pause menu map. A lot of the environments tend to blend together and back tracking or looking for a secret you recalled can be a pain. Also agree on the soul upgrades. I feel like the magic upgrades make the biggest difference so far.
for people who hate kotaku so much they are never not talking about it.
Well, he left after season 4 so it got a lot better, though obviously there were other factors.