It’s good to see that the writing team watched Serenity as well as the televised episodes of Firefly. Pity they skipped the bit where the protagonists get to do something meaningful with the information.
It’s good to see that the writing team watched Serenity as well as the televised episodes of Firefly. Pity they skipped the bit where the protagonists get to do something meaningful with the information.
Removing PeeBee’s mask helps her By making her less distinguishable from the other Asari?
That was hubris on the part of the developers. Mass Effect got all the big reveals, which left ME2 and ME3 feeling a little deflated (not that Bioware didn’t also shoot themselves in the foot with that bizarre Cerberus/Collectors detour). I guarantee you the idea was to save some of the big, juicy revelations for…
she just isn’t designed to be a sex object like Liara
It really was the leadership. The game was in development for over five years, and apparently they spent the first three and a half dithering about what kind of game they’d be making, then rushed out Andromeda in an eighteen month panic.
There are some mods that just dump a bunch of resources onto the Tempest and let you ignore the fetch quests, so kinda?
The story of Grigutz and his quest to find a second copy of his favorite gun could work as a kid’s story.
The blond kid in the first picture holds his sword like he just grew arms a few days ago and is still adjusting to how they work.
In that case it helps that Uwe Boll’s movies were essentially tax scams that enabled the production company to shovel money at big name actors to help pay them for artistically meaningful but less commercially viable projects.
I’ve been waiting for George and Weezy to go H.A.M against Archie and Edith.
It took them long enough to make Cloud tolerable. I kept putting it down for the first three chapters because I couldn’t stand him. He was a lot less irritating before he had VA.
The fact that the story goes completely off the rails is the only reason I even bought the game (it was minorly spoiled for me by a different article). I’ve played the original enough times that I’m pretty sure any children I have will be born knowing which enemies have important learnable skills, so “again, but with…
World building is great when you know to shut up about it. Good world building results in a work where all the elements make sense, and can stand up to the sort of scrutiny that any popular work will be subject to these days. But no matter how much an author does they should never expose the reader/player/viewer to…
Not when the first thing we see Doom Guy do is smash an intercom that’s trying to give him exposition. The point is that there’s a story, you can engage with it if you want to, but if you’re just here to murder demons we’ll give you the bare minimum so you know what button to push and get you back out there.
Leave Apollo Creed out of this.
Just a quick note before anyone starts over-relying on the Sword of the Creator; you don’t return to Abyss between chapters three and four or after chapter five (of seven).
It does say something that one of my favorite aspects of the game is how quickly it gives you Encounter-None.
So at what point does the queen call her banners and put down this rebellion?
That isn’t on the sequels though. Several characters in A New Hope act like the Jedi are some sort of myth, and that’s fine until the prequels established that they had a major presence in galactic government less than twenty years ago. The sequels just pretended that the prequels never happened and maintained the OT…