
They had a giant temple in the capital city. They appeared in the Senate pretty regularly (I assume Star Wars has some analog to C-SPAN). The idea that they were a myth by ANH becomes absurd after the Prequels.

If the benchmark is having the worst combat system imaginable and slowly dribbling out abilities, like an “everyone defend” option, which should have been unlocked from minute one, the genre is in trouble.

If you liked it the first time you should like it the second, third, and fourth times right?

Apparently not.

It could have been perfectly fine as the catalyst of an engaging conflict with characters we’re invested in.  Unfortunately we didn’t get those later bits.

Cars are a perfect analogy for games, because to people who appreciate them the aesthetic value of a car is incredibly important, but it’s wasted if the thing can’t drive.

Apparently the new definition of “fan service” is “any moment which brings uncomplicated joy to people with an emotional investment in a piece of media,” so I’ll have to disagree.

I wish I had more stars to give, because it’s even silly in-universe.

Maybe a go-along fascist if that? According to Owens, Long was far friendlier than he had to be in, they kept in touch , and Long asked Owens to talk to his son Kai after the war (Long presumably knew he wasn’t getting out of Sicily at that point.)

I hate to say it, but Covington is completely correct; Usman should have been permitted to keep pounding him into stew for another fifty seconds.

And no one in the room could be bothered to google “fossil” or “fossilization?”  God damn it.

Preach. I love II, but the fact that there's only one nice house, you just enter it from different directions will never not make me laugh.

The fans on the Dragon Age sub had turned around quite a bit ages ago. Once the bloom wore off Inquisition and a lot of people really came to terms with how grindy and dull it could be people took another look at II and were able to look past the absolutely legitimate criticisms and enjoy what it got right. 

I love the game. I’ve replayed it at least twice. Sarcastic Hawke is my favorite video game protagonist ever, but the game deserved all the criticism it got for the asset reuse, that was embarrassing. The teleporting enemies that made actual tactical combat impossible thanks to their random spawn locations were also

:Now, people don’t even remember there WAS a new King’s Quest”

According to a friend who saw Led Zeppelin in concert back in the day he couldn’t hit the high notes on his best day outside a studio.  

Not for a while. I saw her in the late 90s and she talked like a diner waitress that had been smoking two packs a day since poodle skirts were a thing, but her singing voice was still there. Maybe a little rougher, but not if anything that just gave her more gravitas. I assume the next twenty years were less kind?

Until Quistis decides to take her entire team and leave their position seemingly five minutes before go time so she can apologize for snapping at Rinoa.

I assume that deviating from one arbitrary path through each room results in your immediate death and every lock can only be opened by combining random crap with bizarre moon logic.

“Here’s a gift shut up.”