
And if they gave two to four flowers to half the class every month?

It’s probably wrong, but the possibility that, in addition to being an inspiring, groundbreaking pioneer she’s also relatably shitty makes me like her more.

Is there a word for “person whom she beats with somewhat more difficulty than normal”?  If not, rival will have to do.

Definitely.  If she just wanted to remove Bernie there are easier, and presumably cheaper, ways to do so.  

Pistol shots. Use one of those .50 caliber monsters meant for killing jeeps.

Sure. If you ignore Squall’s internal monologue, the fact that he carried her dozens if not hundreds of miles on his back for the very off-chance that someone in Esthar would be able to help her, and the fact that at least half the party is actively shipping them then yeah, it definitely comes out of nowhere.

The first time I went to Disney World I was around eight and the Haunted Mansion was literally my favorite place on the planet. That whole “room for one more” thing sounded awesome to me.  

I’d rather have Gremory on my male casters than Dark Mage/Bishop on the women. It’s just a straight up grade, both in terms of spells per battle and movement, not to mention stat growth. But yeah, I’d like to see all, or at least most of the restrictions dropped. I think there’s a lore reason for no male pegasus knight

Let him learn lances through goals. He’ll need them for his certification test, and if you’re using him as a mage his magic will improve on its own. Feel free to change him back to reason and riding once lance hits C though.

You can hit ZR and pull up the class list at any time and even scroll through and check a given character’s chances to pass the certification test with their current skills.  It won’t show you the intermediate classes, but if you build with the goals in mind they’ll usually unlock on their own.

That’s a bad idea, especially in the early game.

Hilda is a weird case. Spoiler ahead for something you may already know about the Black Eagles route:

Obviously, it’s more important to listen while teaching than anything else.

They handled this as stupidly as possible.  There’s a hornet’s nest.  It isn’t right, it isn’t moral, and it shouldn’t be there, but it is.  So why kick it?

Nope. You can get her for the Blue Lions, and... there’s no non-spoiler way to describe her relationship with the Black Eagles.

Instead of a PA system the wave pool is designed to usher guests, gently but firmly, to the parking lot when the park closes.

Nicholas Cage; good or bad?

It turns out that the folks who whip up twitter mobs put less effort into calling them back.  A solid percentage probably still don’t realize he was innocent.

The good news is that it’s absurdly easy to get everyone to B support before the cutoff so long as you have extra cash and flowers. Just shamelessly bribe your way into everyone’s good graces. Once you get the extra merchants buy up their entire stock of gifts every month and give them out (there are plenty of guides

Specifically young, feminine, attractive lesbians.  Also worth noting is that thus far the only gay men have presented extremely feminine.  Don’t want to confuse the Gamerz too much.