
When you walk into a hair salon and you don’t see any male employees, do you assume men are being oppressed or that they simply are not interested in doing hair.

That is exactly what I implied.

No, they are statistically more violent than white people.

Black men commit a disproportionate amount of the crimes so naturally more will be confronted and jailed.

Now playing

I could have sworn I replied to this but I guess it didn’t go through. Racial bias is a thing. It’s called homogeneity. And it simply means people can empathize someone of their own color more than someone of a different color. It does not mean races are out to get each other.

The 63% of white or the 12% of blacks aren’t being confronted by police so that isn’t a valid frame of reference.

The entirety of the whites or blacks aren’t being confronted by police so that isn’t comparable. But something else to consider is that blacks commit more than 50% of the crimes despite representing only 12% of the population.

The masses in the country aren’t being confronted by cops. That’s a false equivalency.

No one is lecturing you, stop taking it so personal. I’m simply saying if you don’t believe something then the natural course is to do more research into it rather than abandon the idea completely and accept the other idea without question.

Refute the points.

The 80% of the white people or the 12% of the black people aren’t being confronted by cops. That is a false equivalency.

Equality is a myth. No one is equal. If you are born rich, you will have nicer things. If you are born poor, you will have less things. It is not anyone’s fault. We are all a victim of circumstance. Furthermore, black people have not been deliberately locked. They were accidentally locked by people who think they were

Blacks despite being only 12% of the population commit more than 50% of the crimes.

The 60% or the 13% in the country aren’t being confronted by cops. That’s a false equivalency.

The Post’s data does show that unarmed black men are more likely to die by the gun of a cop than an unarmed white man...but this does not tell the whole story..................

The entirety of the black race or the white race are not being confronted by police. That’s a false equivalency.

Racial bias is a thing. It’s called homogeneity. However this just means you empathize more with people of your own color. But there is much more empirical evidence at hand before we even consider that that’s the biggest factor. Such as despite being only 12% of the population, blacks still commit more than 50% of the

If you don’t believe it then conduct your own research. Don’t simply accept what’s put in front of you and certainly don’t accept anecdotes on Reddit as empirical evidence.

The masses in the country aren’t being confronted by cops. That’s a false equivalency.