
The only thing keeping women out of gaming is the constant fear tactics employed by games media and professional victims with a platform. This narrative is always destroyed by talking to real people instead of reading anecdotal nonsense.

Exactly. By pushing this narrative a bunch of people like me, a left leaning moderate for the most part, are feeling isolated by a fringe gone mainstream. This far left crap is becoming the same beast as the Tea Party and I feel like there is nowhere to turn. I want to support something positive but pressuring me to


Just make percentages out of the numbers shown there. Remember that this is FBI.gov. Specifically you would want to pay attention to violent crime that comes out to about 39% of all violent crimes being committed by a demographic that makes up 13% of the population.

Some serious and sincere comments from “buttsneeze”.

Thanks for your thoughts buttsneeze!

Whatever you do, don’t ask why black people are held to suspicion. The only possible answer is racism. It certainly doesn’t have anything to do with their incredibly high crime and murder rates. In fact, it’s racist just to bring statistics up like that. Everything is racist all the time.

I made an account just to say how racist this is. This isn’t about Pokemon Go, your just using it to get clicks, but rather its about someone (probably made up) to piggy back off the tragedies of the last few days.

This is some top notch creative race baiting.