
Then judge each source by their incentives to lie or how much they don’t tell. The media only reporting about blacks killed by police is suspicious in and of itself.

The total number of black people nor the total number of white people are being confronted by police. That is a false equivalency.

No, I don’t think people are equal. And what’s cherry picking about it?

The 63.7 or the 12.2% in the country aren’t being confronted by cops. That’s a false equivalency.

The 63% or the 12% in the country aren’t being confronted by cops. That’s a false equivalency.

Refute the points.

I am spreading the knowledge and informing people that are being duped by the very journalist who are supposed to tell us the truth. The citations are on this page

White people do not commit a disproportionate amount of the crimes. Despite being 13% of the population, blacks commit more than 50% of the crimes.

The total population isn’t aren’t being confronted by cops. That’s a false equivalency. Of the people actually confronted by police, whites are still killed more.

Black people are disproportionately singled out because black people commit a disproportion amount of the crimes.

The masses in the country aren’t being confronted by cops. That’s a false equivalency. Of the people actually confronted by police, whites are still killed more.

The masses in the country aren’t being confronted by cops. That’s a false equivalency. Of the people actually confronted by police, whites are still killed more.

Anecdotes are not empirical evidence.

The masses in the country aren’t being confronted by cops. That’s a false equivalency. Of the people actually confronted by police, whites are still killed more.

The masses in the country aren’t being confronted by cops. That’s a false equivalency. Of the people actually confronted by police, whites are still killed more.

The masses in the country aren’t being confronted by cops. That’s a false equivalency. Of the people actually confronted by police, whites are still killed more.

I don’t know if there are specific figures for that but there are figures to suggest black people commit more than 50% of the crimes in our country despite being only 12% of the population. So it would make sense for police to have to confront them more if they are committing more crimes.

I know I am just replying that to a bunch of people and hopefully they can help spread the truth.

The number of black men killed by police in 2016 are 146

The number of black men killed by police in 2016 are 146