
So, basically, Verizon has until December 17th to sell off Tumblr while it still gets decent traffic numbers.

Propagandhi is from Winnipeg!! That makes it the best city ever! Leftist Fat Wreck Chords Punk Rock Fact!!!

The Ball Uncles in Europe shit is ripe for Christopher Guest movie.

All this is fine and good, but when the hell are they gonna bring back the Mustang II?


I’ve had friends who’ve worked with David Cross and the only word they use to describe him is “prick”. This whole incident seems in character.

In sporting terms, this is the bottom. The worst. Fuck this shit. Fire Arena and get rid of the old guard. We better use this as a true rebuilding moment.

Being lonely and smoking cancels the negative effects of each out, right?

My god he’s going to be so whiny, pissed, and bitter when he’s not given the Hero’s Welcome he is expecting when he shows up.

Padded asses are silly. 

This must be where the alternative timeline split.

Dax McCarty! His final three minutes in the match really clinched it for USMNT.

I hope this Vice-rejected, cocaine-addled, neo-nazi piece of urine-crusted shit overdoses in the most painful and public way possible.

Seconded. If you talk to anyone who worked there, you will hear that Sardar Biglari is a complete trash person.

thank you

You’d think all the people not invited to Happy Hour would create their own. Maybe they deserve to get replaced by robots.

I love you

Whose unemployed cousin shot this video?

I want to share this article like my weird Aunt shares hippie inspirational memes.

Good for Lanphear for getting out of that failing mess.