Mark Jackson responded, “While I disagree with his statements, I have a lot of respect for Bob as a veteran writer for one of our oldest newspapers. I feel like the globe has been around for 6,000 years.”
“Journalist Explains Journalism to TV Stars”
If you put peanut butter in his mouth, it looks like he’s talking.
Not even your average Trump voter is that stupid.
“Can I just stay out of this debate? Aaron Hernandez is a good friend of mine. I have known him for a long time. I support all my friends. That is what I have to say. He’s a good friend of mine.”
This is bullshit. No one was getting on Brett Favre’s case when he was a KGB supporter while in Green Bay.
“I offer UFC nothing, why doesn’t UFC cater to me?”
Right? The word is “subtracted.”
Which do you think is used incorrectly more often, “nonplussed” or “begs the question”?
That isn’t what he said. (Or at least the way I see it) “He is astonishingly well-read”, not “It is astonishing that he is well-read”
I pulled a muscle in my neck getting out of bed this morning. Awesome.
I thought that, as a nation, we had moved past chill bro shaming.
This gets into death of the author territory, but I kind of liked the Watchmen sex scene because I thought it was *supposed* to be sad and awkward, and I thought that was an interesting choice. I mean, Night Owl (in the film at least) is a middle-aged, rather emotionally stunted, somewhat sad sack dude—of course the…
Doctor: “ok how do you spell your name?”
Say what you will about the Nazi’s, they had style.
Feel free to stop looking like a crusty has-been loving idiot. Pete couldn’t play in today’s NBA. He played back when the ball was made out of unshaved goatskin and the court was still “L”-shaped.
I have to call you out on the Smirnoff diss. After reading a blind taste test study by the NYT a few years ago, in which leading vodka experts sampled all of the major vodkas, the consensus winner was Smirnoff. I ask for it by name now, and frequently get snooty looks when doing so.