Dos Anjos’ walking weight is 190+. The weight cuts are insane.
Dos Anjos’ walking weight is 190+. The weight cuts are insane.
But if McGregor gets his ass handed to him and/or hurt by dos Anjos, it doesn’t make the payday for Edgar better, does it?
Looks like Whitlock has some time on his hands between posts.
This would make sense if McGregor had cleaned out the fw division and didn’t have any more competition there, but he hasn’t even defended his belt once yet.
Did wonders for you, huh?
Adrian took responsibility for his horrible actions
thanks to this story for helping show me the imbalance in the system. I’ll do what I can to help fix it
You blame 220 lb adult man with unlimited resources and access to access to education who repeatedly chose to beat his children bloody. The one who considers himself the victim. It isn’t difficult.
What was wrong with Dog Stars? It wasn’t mind-blowing, but it was interesting enough, wasn’t it?
The post-literacy world is weird.
Well, to be fair, Owens and Hardy are really good at football.
Isn’t it possible that Manziel isn’t “unwell” as much as he’s an entitled prick who doesn’t think the rules apply to him?
You didn’t know that Kylo Ren was a villain in TFA?
Is it common for physicians to ship bottles of the stuff to their patients at home rather than, you know, administering it themselves in a controlled office setting?
Um.... if Ashley Manning wasn’t married to Peyton Manning, this would not have made their documentary.
Yeah... “aren’t doing major damage.” Let’s have Aoki lay on top of you for a minute or two and bounce your head against the mat for a couple minutes and then let us know how your brain is just A-ok!
What if Manziel isn’t an alcoholic? Would his behavior look any different if he were just an incredibly spoiled dick who doesn’t believe that rules apply to him?
You could have written this exact article about Sakuraba ten years ago. (that’s not a criticism the article, it’s to point out how fucked up Sakuraba is)
Well, yeah, the fact that it’s hard to watch is the point. It’s an article criticizing this match. Did you not get that?
I bet when Tom finds out about how you came to his defense, he’ll invite you over for pizza and you can show him some of the trick plays you’ve drawn up that will help him win the next Superbowl.