It’s entirely possible to appreciate Heinlein and his work while recognizing that some of it, especially Starship Troopers, is apologia for fascism, or at the very least contemptuous of democracies.
It’s entirely possible to appreciate Heinlein and his work while recognizing that some of it, especially Starship Troopers, is apologia for fascism, or at the very least contemptuous of democracies.
Except, as awesome as the book is, it really is just a love letter to fascism at its core.
Tomatoface is Tomatoface.
It’s called a lawn mower.
Monopolowa at Trader Joe’s is really good, and costs less than $15.
Yeah, it must not be idiotic drivel if two dozen people agree with it.
If you had a nickel for every time someone rolled their eyes and made a jerk-off motion after you made a clever, I bet you’d be able to buy yourself a new Danny Woodhead jersey.
Well if you see any of those likely right people, send them my way so I can show them this asshole OliverClothesoff. They’ll probably get a kick out of the idiotic things this jagoff is saying.
Nah, Bayless doesn’t “hate” Newton. He just engages in paternalistic tongue-clucking that holds him to a far different standard than his white peers. That’s much better!
Yeah, that’s it. Your take was just to raw for the sensitive to take. It couldn’t be that you’re a cliche-spewing tool who sounds like he learned English from Skip Bayless and a Yahoo comment section.
It’s ok, those ladies aren’t getting paid to do this, so it doesn’t count.
Jesus Christ, First Take and PFT have taught a generation of douchebags to think that they should talk like this.
I wonder at which point the lady took “I know you people are natural entertainers, but...” out of her letter to the paper?
Remember, the real villain is the kid who takes a couple grand, not the coach and school who make millions off that kid’s labor.
Yeah, that’s it. You really nailed it.
You mistake disagreeing with not grasping. It makes no financial sense for the UFC to fix a fight in such a way that a bankable star is made less bankable before the big payday.
I think you have it exactly backward on what match fixing would look like if it were occurring. There’s a lot more money to be made in getting scrubs to take a dive and build a fighter up to set up a headlining match than there is in destroying a potential headliner’s value just before the big fight.