But The Gorilla Thinks Otherwise

So you think the UFC makes more money by having their highest-profile fighters lose before the headlining fight that they’re setting up, thereby scuttling interest in the fighter and losing significant buys for their pay per views. Interesting.

“Safer” doesn’t mean “safe.”

You think the UFC made more money by having Cr0Cop lose? That’s insane.

Fair point, and I should have qualified that statement.

It’s really fucked up to think of it like that, but you can’t really dismiss it, either. If you have more money than you and your family could ever need, and you seriously endanger your health and risk further catastrophic brain injury so you can continue to hear the sound of applause and your name is one rung up in

If the only option you have for a receiver on your team is a tiny, broken down receiver with a dozen concussions, then you haven’t done a good job in the first place.

It is objectively correct that someone with Wes Welker’s medical history, physique, and style of play should not play any more. The rest is just rationalization trying to make this a more complicated question than it is.

In other words, it’s an easy decision when looked at objectively and reasonably. I don’t dispute that it’s not an “easy” decision if you are amoral and/or a sociopath, which unfortunately is the guiding principle we seem to expect and accept from NFL teams and businesses in general.

As soon as the NFL is not really into the idea of the public subsidizing their business with billions of dollars of public money, then they’ll certainly have a better argument about the public minding its own business.

I certainly never argued that he is free from blame. He’s doing something incredibly stupid and selfish. The Rams, however, are not obligated to go along with his terrible decisions.

I think you’re mixing up the fact that a lot of people (in this case the Rams) are willing to make the wrong choice means that the right choice wasn’t an easy one to identify and make.

People like Brady and Manning know exactly where to throw a ball to avoid placing their receiver in danger and they don’t care.

Strong take.

Why on earth would the Rams organization not have at least some moral responsibility to the people they employ?

I hope those 10k receiving yards help him remember his kids’ names when they come visit him in the assisted living facility in 15 years.

Why isn’t “Wes, you’ve had far too many concussions for us to put in in harm’s way in good conscience, good luck to you and your wonderful family.” the easy answer here?

Why can’t you blame the Rams for signing him? Is this decision out of their hands?

This idea that all ideas are somehow equal is puzzling.

But the person to which I was responding did.

But you can certainly miss the point.