But The Gorilla Thinks Otherwise

There are any number of ways to express all of those sentiments that do not involve calling someone a “lying whore.” If you choose to use that kind of language, it says something about you.

And we all know that the only way to express that is to call someone a “lying whore.” Makes sense!

Jebus, you’re too dumb to even understand why you’re being criticized, aren’t you? It’s like getting mad at a dog because it vomited all over your new rug.

If you can’t make your point that you consider someone to be something other than an Einstein or lacking in common sense without using the phrase “lying whore,” then you don’t need to ask yourself any questions other than “why am I such a dick?”

If you can’t make your point about not rushing to judgment about accusations of rape without using the phrase “lying whore,” then you need to ask yourself some hard questions.

It’s just as likely that she was a lying whore

What should they have done?

I wonder where you could purchase jeans in those dimensions?

Well, actually....

Oh, that’s even dumber than I thought.

There are usually less than 20g of sugar in an apple. The same as a handful of Oreos. I don’t know about you, but it’s a hell of a lot more common for kids (and me) to eat a shitload of Oreos than it is to eat a dozen apples.


My mom is a magnet for supernatural stuff

Time for more Exaggerated and/or Misrememberded Second Hand Stories Which Have Been Adopted as Your Own Theater!

The ratio of unfunny PFT Commenter imitators to funny PFT Commenter imitators currently stands at 8,676 to zero.

How about not wasting large amounts of a resource which the region happens to find itself in dire shortage of?

Do you generally come to Deadspin for sports scores?

Imagine if that same pitcher locked eyes with the batter and stared him down as he went into the dugout.

Somewhere there’s a Russian mobster waiting for his 50% cut.

“Expecting a garbage human who has been punished for being garbage to come back from his suspension and not immediately resume being garbage is asking the bare minimum.”