
Perhaps you need to raise your bar for what constitutes a bright spot.

Terrible take

You are right. Its wrong. You are a fucking degenerate. You are the problem with the world today. Good god, what an asshole.

^^ Want to bet they’re not permitted to point out someone might be concussed?

I get that tattoos are not for everyone and personal taste and all that, but equating tattoos to self-harm is pretty shitty.

Harvey has picked Lupita to rebut by name for two reasons;

It’s simple. They ultimately aren’t affected by the misery inflicted upon us, so they don’t give a shit.

That’s literally what a prediction is lol

“Taiwan border to the island of England”

Of course not. It’s a car.

She’s not saying it wasn’t there before, I don’t think. But without its greatest athletes performing incredible feats, that’s increasingly all that’s there.

Yeah, it’s crazy that MVP winning quarterbacks get more press than Rookie running backs.

I rarely often say this but wow you didn’t read or understand the article.

Opting out of a contract isn’t remotely the same thing as quitting a job. Opting out is a normal and intended part of the labor market of professional sports.

Preach, Alex. If you’ve never gotten one kid to false start on the green duck, just to have him knock down the actual gray duck, you haven’t played the game.

How the fuck did this article get posted with not a single picture of the subject matter in it?

Spoiler alert : Chobani is the killer. Everyone has to admit that Hamilton was right this whole time.

I love how you turned a really cool story into a negative. Cause what this world needs is definitely more negativity.

Yup. The only crime here was filming in portrait.

Who fucking cares..honestly.