
This article, or the pictures in this article, should be shared any time a bike-share company is mentioned.

scottie reynolds

What are the demographics of the people working in the fashion industry? My guess is it isn’t lower-class POC.

It’s fine. And it’s always busy.

I think Barstool is horrible, awful trash, but doxxing him is fucking stupid.

Cyclops is a fuckin mutant, pal.

Just be a neutral for a while longer and you’ll find moments that make you a fan. for me it was Steven Gerrard in the 4-4 draw against Chelsea in the 2009 QFs

Yeah both candidates were bad but Dallet didn’t actively Gerrymander the state and hasn’t been arrested multiple times at Anti-Abortion rallies. For Screnock to suggest that Dallet is an activist judge is the most hypocritical part of his dogshit campaign.

Unemployment does not include workers who have given up actively searching for work due to disenfranchisement. It’s never accurate because it relies on polling data.

They know what’s happening, they don’t care. They hate Libs and Madison is very Lib. It’s politics of resentment.

They wrote this story in 2016 and nothing happened to him.

And not only that, he created 30 for 30, which is, for the most part, something we’re better with than without.

rey is basically an immaculate conception of the force. she was created by the force to balance the dark in kylo.

The fact that she made a pilot about 2nd wave says all anyone needs to know, really.

Aliens is not canon.

This is a case of Richard Spencer weaponizing free speech, daring the state of Florida to infringe on his “rights”. It’s a win-win for the Nazis, if he’s allowed to speak he gets his attention, if they don’t allow him to speak they get to sue over 1st amendment rights.

He’s a new dad, so the answer is: he doesn’t!

He also asked for Sakho in July but got him Late August. Crystal Palace’s front office are so fucking stupid it’s incredible. Swansea, Brighton and Newcastle have terrible squads. All they have to do is see those 3 out, but they threw away a huge potential positive change in their club’s history to hire a much worse

Probably has something to do with Foxconn

The Janesville area is full of former democrat union workers out of work due to the GOP. Paul Ryan does not have this district won by any means. As long as Wisconsin continues to slide economically under the GOP, there’s a real chance those people will elect one of their own.