
Did no one smoke in high school and middle school where you’re from?

Plural of anecdote is not “data.”

It’s not a terrible ad, but give me a break, “Budweiser can afford the production and airtime”. This isn’t a charitable donation of theirs. They ran this ad because the same unpleasant marketing people who approved flooding the airwaves with Dilly Dilly and Corn Syrup King had some meetings and spreadsheets and


It was explained why right after that sentence, fuckface.

That was the county, not the city.

The Philadelphia 76ers Should Blow Up The Team And Not Worry About The Short-Term Consequences

She stayed with him because she’s a greedy fucking monster. Let’s not pretend that the women who married into this disgusting family are victims. They haven’t always only known what we all know - they’ve always known MORE.

I don’t know, I think trying to earn a sustainable income as a blogger sounds kind of stressful to me.

All blogs should have no more than 200 words.

Counterpoint: she’s a garbage person who willingly married an even larger garbage person to reap the benefits of unimaginable material wealth, so fuck her. If she feels humiliated, that’s a good thing because it means she has a tiny shred of humanity left inside her.

I liked the one for “Winners and Losers of the Second Round of the NCAA tournament.” Like that one seems pretty straightforward, guys. There’s a bracket and everything.

Alright, buckle up for a Shakespearean epic that I promise will be worth your while.

Christ, didn’t take you boners long to prove his point...

Huh. It’s almost like human feelings are...nuanced.

Because the tenets of the democratic party aren’t worth shit if half the population systemically has their freedom oppressed?

Uhh...maybe don’t mention “home planet” to Leia.

Perhaps you need to raise your bar for what constitutes a bright spot.

Terrible take

You are right. Its wrong. You are a fucking degenerate. You are the problem with the world today. Good god, what an asshole.