
That is, uh, not how websites make money

I think it should be about those orphans finally getting adopted by a nice couple.

Fuuuckkkkkk that. And fuck you for even suggesting it. Why do nazis always get a pass for their violence? When can we look at a monstrous, sociopathic movement and not judge it for what it truly is?

George C. Scott has come back form the dead to save our daughters from bathroom demons!

Jesus Christ. I had to take a xanax reading what a nightmare machine your brain must be.

Your opinion is bad, and you should feel bad.

I love seeing smoking in film. I fell back into smoking after quitting for a little bit and goddamn people treat you like fucking shit if you’re a smoker. Even if you’re a courteous smoker who doesn’t smoke around other people. If they have ANY idea that you smoke they immediately shun you. I think people hate smokers

“And anyway, when you have the chance to lock an injured, 5'6" point guard who can’t defend anyone and who’s pushing 30 into a five year, $200 million contract, you have to take it.”

Billy Haisley wrote all the words and doesn’t have much to show for it.

Because you punch up, not down.

It works great for group projects. Simple as that.

I don’t know, I think I would’ve rather just watched that movie instead of this other one that’s coming out.

Well, yeah. The Brewers (along with the Rockies and Cardinals) have access to all the watery piss they could ask for.

This is my favourite excerpt.

“They overbooked the flight.”

Show us the feet sweetie.

Nope. Crossover mileage is close enough to sedan mileage now that no one would use that as a decisive shopping metric. The couple of MPG difference is FAR outweighed by the cargo and family hauling increase you get with the crossover body style.

“I swear, you guys rip on me 13 or 14 more times, I’m outta here.”

I care about the Alien universe, and I even get people’s complaints about Prometheus, but I still think it’s fantastic. The chestburster removal operation was worth the price of admission.