Brown shoes with a blue suit is 100% fine.
Brown shoes with a blue suit is 100% fine.
I really hate to defend that suit and shoes combo, but the colors are fine.
In 2011, The Metropolitan Golf Writer’s Association awarded the Trump family the honor of Golf Family of the Year.…
I think the most obvious way to “enhance” a photo of Cruz would be to remove him from it
Only a chickenshit would make true statements about facts.
How is that different from any other regulation? Ultimately, every regulation, every law, boils down to controlling your body, and then punishing you for not relinquishing control.
“calling for help probably only made Kobe madder.”
i miss the old jezebel
why do you hate trans people?
What is the point you are trying to make?
Unsolicited Extra Fingers in the Ass?
Look for FIFA’S anti politics task force that will end politics in 3 years
“Failure to comply” should not be grounds to shoot an unarmed person.
An Arnold Palmer does not contain alcohol
Cool story.
This is part of a scam this woman runs. She keeps the ducks there, luring the bears in and then catches the bears and will only release them for a ransom.
New York City is the CrossFit of cities.