
I kind of love that though. Kylo Ren is unlike any Star Wars villain we’ve had in the past, this weirdly impotent, angry young man who is enraged that his legacy, his destiny (the most powerful concept in Star Wars, after all, is prophecy and fate), has been denied to him.

Who’s a good blogger? Samer is a good blogger, yes he is!

I ask this with immense fondness: u mad

Finally I get to share my story publicly in a setting where people WANT to hear it!!! In December 2014, I started having really massive stomach cramps. I thought perhaps I had eaten something bad, or was PMSing, but these cramps were constant. I couldn’t sleep, I stopped being able to eat. I couldn’t stand up

Should’ve been a technical for hanging on the rim.

I think companies really need to get out of the habit on firing people because the internet demands a sacrifice. It only encourages people to continue using toxic behaviors to push their agendas.

Actually, I think we could do without him, considering...

I’m convinced nobody knows how to write articles anymore.

Personally, I’m just surprised that no one has tried to fill it with tomato sauce and cheese and tried to call it a pizza yet.

Tyga and his landlord are not in a great place right now.

outside mile high stadium

I miss Greg too, Barry.

Only an idiot would recommend something on amazon that wasn’t Prime eligible.

But Nancy did a LOT of good things. There were so many positive things she could’ve said about her, without ever bringing up AIDs. That is what makes this so strange of a mistake.

"No big deal. he'll be back after the half." - 20 year old watching video