
Aaaaand I just realized that Fowler and Davis aren't the same guy.

Paul: Ghost! Help!

If he got hit by something completely invisible on defense then it was probably Blake Griffin.

Uh. Okay.

Fuck yes, Miko. Fuck yes.

Miko: This is like putting these players through 2 car crashes a week! They don't care about the players, they care about the money!

She just wrote Miserable Shitehawk's post for next week.

I don't know whether to applaud or go into hiding.

I nominate Miko Grimes to stand in for all of Marshawn Lynch's press conferences.
All in favor?

"need you home a sap"

This is not exactly news Tom. Jay's sucked at home all year.

No; it's a good video to teach kids that they can get the dog to eat veggies for them.

Johnny Depp is method. It wasn't him sexting Amber. It was Tonto.

And boy was he embarrassed when they got out.

Welcome to face sitting, buddy.

Yeah, but he can't throw a ball.

One of the very best sniper films I've ever seen is Enemy At the Gates, which not coincidentally features a fully fleshed-out villain. It's hard to add complexity to someone who by definition kills at a remove, and if he does his job well, his victims never even know he exists. It's a real accomplishment to humanize

I don't think you understand how rules work.

Brunell was emotionally shaken up because he had just gotten off the phone with his accountant moments before the segment aired.