
For a short time I worked as a writer for the world wide leader and I was one of thousands who wrote for the website. I met Scott only twice by chance more than anything as I wasn't ever based in Bristol, or even a blip on the radar in the scheme of things, but at one of those events Scott turned to someone and said

yeah but baylor beat tcu and msu beat baylor and osu beat msu and vt beat osu. WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN?! this same gripe happens every year from every fan. Please fuck off.

Ew. Seriously?

From the looks of it, most of his shots will be of insulin.

It was only a matter of time before the signs of hip dysplagia began to emerge.

Well Burneko sure as fuck didn't learn how to write from his parents. Way to get right to the point, mom.

I don't think he'll need to buy many more $70 million houses. A house is hardly a thing you keep purchasing, I think he's more than allowed to do it once.

Okay, so. This is a complicated question with an even more complicated answer, so I'm going to try to say something which is the best I understand it, without sounding like an asshat.


Jesus Christ, she was being fucking nice. Her asshole friend assumed they were doing something wrong, when really they were just trying to go do something fun and couldn't afford it. She assumed that there was more to the story than them being "up to no good," went and asked - a novel concept, I know - and was right.

You may not accuse me of racism, sexism, blah blah-ish without asking me for my point of view first. I may or may not choose to give it to you.

This is my favorite thing you write all year. The pathos, the whip-saw between guilt and desire, the bone deep self-loathing of comfortable white liberals. Soooo Good. fuck, I gotta go jerk off.