Reader Max sent along this video because he'd never seen it before, never even heard of one of the weirdest NBA…
Reader Max sent along this video because he'd never seen it before, never even heard of one of the weirdest NBA…
Keep in mind that Drew takes the crusts off his pizza slices. So, don't trust him on anything pizza.
If you think that's impressive, you should see him jump on a chair when he sees a mouse.
Kevin, you basically hit every notable point about how comically horrific the 76ers are, but if there's one more item I may add, which I was immediately reminded of as this game played out (I had Dallas -13 so that's the only reason I watched it), it's this:
Every Rose has its torn [ligaments].
Except that he is pretty open about how his show is derivative of others, and it also seems likely that he playing up how upset he is for the bit...but any reason to go off on someone right?
Fortunately, Cutler is immune to criticism. Unlike his kids, who aren't immune to a goddamn thing.
Nothing about it was mean to Lorde, though - the episode is basically 100% making fun of Lorde truthers. It's actually pretty cute.
Kind of feels like United should have just kept him all along instead of firing and rehiring him, no?
I actually feel bad for the newspaper in all this. They're stuck in a catch-22. If they publish the article with the picture, they get cries out outrage and have their ethics questioned; however, if they publish it without any pictures, then their fan base would have no idea what the article was about.
Geoff Ketchum's a piece of shit. Not because of that tweet, mind you, but because of his repeatedly turning a blind eye to the consistent pattern of mindless animal abuse displayed by his son Ash.
D) Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.
So ur with ur honey and yur making out wen the phone rigns. U anser it n the vioce is "wut r u doing wit my daughter?" U tell ur girl n she say "my dad is ded". THEN WHO WAS PHONE?
Plus Reals' disallowed goal where Ronaldo is charged on the back before passing to Higuain who slots it in (giving Madrid the upper hand in the tie) but because Ronaldo rolled on the floor and tripped Mascherano it was called back.
Exactly this. Remember that match like it was yesterday. Alves was not touched (at least, not by the boot of Pepe). Alves and Busquets disgraced themselves that day.
How far can you punt a football?