
Oh, you mean like THIS??

The make up covering up his big ass tattoo doesn't match the color of his skin.

When I see the words "Major Dent" I can't help but think it's negative. Major Dents in your car seriously fucking suck.

Cutting a burger in half helps with portion control. Restaurants are getting out of con-fucking-trol with their serving size, and unless you haven't eaten all day, you're going to eat that first half and probably feel full. It's perfectly okay to not want to eat 2500 calories for dinner and so you don't walk around

Well, yeah. Why wouldn't corporate want their spaghetti sauce to be universal?

No, your logic is transitive which doesn't apply to sports.

This is the dumb logic.

He's not made the right decision the majority of this world cup: passing when he should shoot, shooting when he should pass, missing the goal when he shoots. I think it's a confidence thing. It's not as if this is the first time in his career he's ever been asked to play out of position.

Well, Low's hand was forced, he didn't even make the tactical change until injuries forced Lahm to play fullback (where he should have been playing the whole cup). Low misused Lahm during the group stage, but now he's got it right. Germany have an advantage in that they've got loads of talented midfield players,

The biggest problem is Ozil lacks confidence. His performances have largely been poor and he mopes all around the pitch.

I went to this place where they're known for insulting people and got really offended when they insulted people.

We don't want them to sniff the playoffs next year, dude. Need another season of tank.

He's repeating all the shit he created.

Nice catch. I grew up in Washington County, though, so you're not bursting any bubbles., unfortunately. The police really do like to police.

It's rural Wisconsin. Police love to police real hard in rural Wisconsin.

I bought a dog on Craigslist from a family who "couldn't take care of it" under the condition that if their kids missed it enough after a week they could take it back. I essentially babysat a dog for a week. Parents are stupid.

Thiago Silva could have been sent off twice.

Well, it's obvious... It's Messi. Can't co-exist with any other dynamic attacking players.

Eye contact is important to OLD PEOPLE, like you.