
Yeah, the rankings are bullshit, but Brazil are up to 4th in the May 2014 rankings.

I've still got the original newspaper. Sports section of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel from 2006, I believe.

I don't really know anything about the bourbon I drink, just that it tastes good, which is why I've been buying it then drinking it.

"We must do away with the absolutely specious notion that everybody has to earn a living. It is a fact today that one in ten thousand of us can make a technological breakthrough capable of supporting all the rest. The youth of today are absolutely right in recognizing this nonsense of earning a living. We keep

"All you have to do is pull yourself up by your bootstraps."


I agree with you which is why I'm wondering what the criteria for the participants of this show are, though, if they're using actual survival experts (it doesn't seem so) or a bunch of well-groomed, athletic WASP-y types plucked straight from Wall St. to compete against one another (seems more likely).

I said "famous" not "well-regarded".

Aren't some of the most famous survivalists women from the show Survivor, though? I don't know why they'd target a male audience like this, and from my personal experience the only people in my life who've ever watched Survivor were female.

I really like your use of a pop culture reference from 4.5 years ago. This was a good comment, keep doing this.

I recently took 3 inches off my beard to a more respectable half inch. I would have kept going if it weren't for the whole "trying to find a job" thing, which, I guess is how it SHOULD be, though I still miss the hell out of bigbeard. It felt like bigbeard and I were just starting a journey together.

Well, judging from this interview and the discussion, I'm going to conclude the "bitching" has more to with Bey's vanilla, "will this affect my public image?" approach to feminism.

Aww, I love when someone on the internet tells someone else on the internet how they should parent their children.

It's dying down.

I'm talking about the bro who frequents Water St, 3rd Street and Jefferson St. The bro from Marquette or the bro who just graduated from Whitewater/Oshkosh and got a job with Johnson Controls.

Uniform: Dark Blue True Religion jeans from Nordstrom Rack in Northbrook, IL. Graphic T-Shirt underneath any button up. Literally any shirt that has buttons is fine. Gym shoes, flip-flops and bad dress shoes.

I do this with bands. I held out on the Beatles until college and it was great. I held out on Bob Dylan until like 2 months ago, and it's also been great.

Oh, you know what they are...

Smith machines have ruined my life.

It's designed to keep those serious about getting in shape away by having an extremely limited free weights section. It's extremely discouraging to not see any gains because you can lift more than what's provided. You're better off spending the yearly gym fees on a kettle bell set.