I'm guessing it's Tebow's marketability/profitability that's driving his campaign.
I'm guessing it's Tebow's marketability/profitability that's driving his campaign.
You realize that ever since the Central Bank was established, the American Dream has never really existed, right? Unless you can create an industry (Gates, Jobs), you're not going to significantly climb unless you marry a Rockefeller.
This isn't anything new, though. In high school (7 years ago) I worked at Hollister Co., which is owned by A&F and women's sizes fit the same model then as now. Jeans 0-10 (increments of 2), clothing XS-L. For men's sizing it was 28-36 and S-XL, so it's been this way for a while.
BIG TURKEY is a thing penned by Drew Magary. In his Funbags, he often refers to industries as BIG FILLINTHEBLANK, so Doug ripped this from Drew.
Sounded like Laughlin Constable... until I read below.
Should be noted that the last 4 goals scored by Robin Van Persie he's been offside. The Premier League is a joke and the FA are cowards. I'm tempted to start watching the the Bundesliga.
Jemaine Defoe bit Javier Mascherano, and is perfectly fine in the public eye. Cantona is revered because he plays for United. Imagine Suarez doing what Cantona did, regardless of circumstances. He'd be in jail.
And yet Eric Cantona is still so revered in England...
It seems everything to you is either pro-woman or benevolent sexism.
Don't get me started. I was interested until I saw Baz Luhrmann was director, then angry when I saw it was being shot in 3-D, then furious when Kanye West music was used for the official trailor. I've realized this is just one of those movies to avoid at all costs, lest I want to watch my favorite novel ruined.
The troll who ruined Shakespeare has been allowed to decapitate the crown jewel of classic American literature with an over-the-top, postmodern guillotine which bears an image of Kanye West painted just above the blade. Bravo, Hollywood.
Eating greasy food before you go out is what actually helps. The greasy food coats your stomach lining with fat, giving your body time to process the alcohol/byproducts and help with not feeling like death in the morning. If you don't want to eat before you go out just have a spoonful of olive oil, that'll do the…
While we're on prevention... It's always wise to eat something greasy or fatty BEFORE you start drinking (or a spoonful of olive oil). The fat coats your stomach lining, giving your body time to process the booze/byproducts of booze while you're out, helping you recover before you even feel the effects.
It's a common misconception to eat bread or carbs before drinking. You have to eat fatty foods before you drink. The fat sticks to your stomach lining, slowing down alcohol absorption into the blood stream and buys your body more time to process byproducts and will increase your chances of not feeling like complete…
I haven't read the books, so blind speculation is my thing. For me, every scene in the series has been meaningful so far and this one stuck out as poor and unnecessary.
No mention about the worst scene in the entire series yet (between Tyrion and Shae)? It was poorly acted and all we learned is that Tyrion thinks Sansa is hot. Cool. Oh, and Shae is probably going to be murdered by Tywin because of course somebody probably saw her. But seriously, it was BAD and completely unnecessary…
Excited Dog + Wood floor = Heart Melted
Oh boo-fucking-hoo. Don't ask for sympathy from a formerly overweight man for being an overweight woman after opening your statement with "I hope you choke on your next healthy meal." What's your fucking problem? What's wrong with eating healthy meals? What's wrong with wanting to be physically fit? As a man who has…
Stop projecting your own experience onto me, then.