50 shades of Jay

“Just acting like you are going to shit in the red zone costs you $10k.”

This is Trump level trolling

You maniac, you want to start a war?

Nothing worse than sandwich-eating members of the press second-guessing every player’s decisions.

I laughed til I realized this is actually possible..

Real hunters go after the elephant in the room.

Yes, three cheers for outplaying Miami, who are like the Browns plus sunshine

Sure, but I don’t care about any of that.

Live by the bargain-rate kicker, die by the... actually, you know what? It’s Cleveland. If he’d hit all six, they’d have still found a way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

I love it when Lil B shows up in unexpected parts of my media diet.

When you spew hot garbage, it’s not an unreasonable reaction for others to say, “Wow, look at all the hot garbage that’s been spewed around here.”

That reminds me back in college one of my roommates was watching some made for TV flick called “Asteroid” when I came into the room and asked him how it was he replied “They should have called it hemorrhoid.”

Bayless: I agree with you in the big picture, but did you just say that x is y?

But now you can watch injured players walk through a restaurant while enjoying steak and beer. So it’s a win for Minnesota!!!!

I was 100% with you til your last line.

I hope The Red Hot Chili Peppers played that song they have that’s about California.

I imagine hell has a way better team.

It’s hard to tell since he’s wearing much more clothing than usual, but yes, it is.

To be fair, market research determined 90% of the crowd would leave after the 2nd quarter to beat the traffic, so they stocked up accordingly.