50 shades of Jay

you animal

that is more impressive to me than anything lebron james will do in his career.

i wish my dad had done that to me.

Non-lawyer non-father here, slightly irritable tho. Am I still allowed to deadspin?

those are longer shorts than I’ve possibly ever seen an american woman under 50 wear.

proud of you

Eat a deep-dish dick and play more minecraft Scocca, fucking poor mans Anthony Michael Hall. Thank you Deadspin staff for outing his terrible judgement of cities. Sincerely, Chicaaahgo.

there was no cow. wake up sheeple

my buddy was a barista and they would misspell names on purpose to entertain themselves. i guess it’s common practice among baristas

Good catch. +1 Larry David

newer shows

Fuck cheese (bear with me) have you tried peanut butter on tortilla chips? Anything from tostitos to like.. real “authentic” tortilla chips, doesn’t matter what kind. That shit will make you believe in god.

And Lionel Messi... he’s an outlier in this report... but not talent-less.

Not only is all of this true, but from speaking to people who went to JCA (joliet catholic, rudy’s high school) with Rudy, they said he has always been an insufferable whiny asshole and has only gotten worse since the film.

yuuuuuuuuuge towering orgasms.

pie charts or it didn’t happen

hillary is just as scary and almost more full of shit than trump, that’s why bernie supporters don’t want to help her. not voting, by definition, does not count as a vote for the other side.

he’s talking about running not marathon-ing, ya try hard. i bet you look like Andre from the league training for his marathon every time you go out for a run. not necessary (except the shoes, good god the shoes are important)

never have i ever heard someone suggest a protein shake as a means to NOT promote pooping. Myself and many i know have found quite the opposite effect