CapriSun? What are you? Eight?
CapriSun? What are you? Eight?
Have you ever been in a men's restroom? They piss all over the toilet seats. I always hover, but I'd still be disgusted to walk into a unisex bathroom and find piss all over the toilet seats. Plus, you can see people in the stalls through the cracks between the door and the frame — and god forbid you get a door…
Kate turned 18. With great power comes great responsibility. Her parents look like they're coddling her with all this talk about how she's a victim. I see her camp taking 0% ownership of her actions here. She was 18 and choose to have sexual relations with someone who was 14 or 15. She's a senior dating a…
This isn't slut shaming. Courtney Stodden has been dressing in the skimpiest outfits possible for years now, and she's always trying to call attention to her sexuality. Her entire public persona is built around her appearance and her sexuality, so the fact that she's made a sex tape is the next logical move for her.…
You really out did yourself here. Good work!
I concur. Farrah, for the most part, is detestable — BUT this is the first intelligent thing I've ever heard her say. For once in her life, being a spoiled brat paid off!
What are you talking about?! She's looking for validation from the world via a sex tape. Sounds like self-esteem issues to me. She even says in the article that she got plastic surgery to make her feel better about herself because she was suicidally-depressed.
My replies are all short. Yours are very wordy. You tell me who won here.
You're the only toxic female here. :)
You're an idiot but you're funny. Keep up the good work!
I'm only responding to the first sentence because that's the most important to me. This is not about Angelina Jolie. Angelina Jolie and the media want to make it out to be about Angelina Jolie, but it's not. It's about women's health.
Because it's not written in stone and because you can cross that bridge when you get there. Why get your breasts removed now? Why not get them removed at 18? When do you decide that you've had enough fun with your breasts and it's now time to get down to business and get rid of them? It's arbitrary.
I'm not saying someone in her position should never have their breasts removed. I'm saying she should get them removed when she's certain they have cancerous tissue. It's the difference between removing the bomb when you have years left on the counter versus removing the bomb when you have 5 minutes left on the…
Not a lawyer and my mind is blown just as yours is, but I'm assuming this is some C-list lawyer who was just handed the biggest case of his entire life. He's probably rubbing his hands together and grinning ear to ear at his fortune of being assigned such a high-profile case. He's probably making a bunch of idiotic…
"We just know how he feels about his little girl." — I don't. He kidnapped, raped, imprisoned, and tortured three other little girls, so no — I really don't know how he feels about <i>his</i> little girl. Would he be cool with someone doing *this* to his daughter? Is it just some *minor* cognitive dissonance that…
"He has a window through his door. He doesn't have a television, doesn't have radio, doesn't have magazines, no access to newspapers. He's completely isolated from society." — Yes, but can he move his neck? I really don't know how Schlachet says that with a straight face or sleeps at night.
I'd hit that. Although he's a ginger, he's still got a full head of hair. Red. hot. hair.
Yeah but what if you learn too much? Then it's this piece of information that you're acutely aware of but you have to play it off like you don't know it should it ever come up in conversation. "Oh, your father was physically abusive towards you? Wow, that must be have been tough," — but you already read the…
Sorry, but giving Angelina Jolie a standing ovation for having a double mastectomy and publicly discussing it is dumb. Removing your breasts because you have the marker for breast cancer is extreme. How about you just monitor the situation closely and then take action as needed? What are we so excited about here —…