
My biggest problem with men's dating criteria is that they all expect they should be dating an 8+, even if they themselves are like a 4 or a 5. I don't expect to pay a Civic price for an Accord, so they shouldn't expect it bring their homeliness to the table and walk out with a super model.

Aww, he's way cuter as brunette.

I suppose it really depends on your experience. When people ask me where I'm from I know it's because they think I'm pretty and want to know where they can find more 'exotic looking beauties' like me. If you aren't young and female, I suppose the question carries different connotations, like "you don't belong here".

My cat's personal anthem is "Fuck the Pain Away" by Peaches. We call him "beejus" so it kind of sounds like "peaches".

I like "Tight pants" better. This is how we do it / Tight pants! Tight pants!

First, I watched the dumpster dive video, and I wished I hadn't. Next, I watched the turducken dog video, and that was less disgusting, but still low on the entertainment factor. The highlight of that video was watching him get burnt by the oil from the deep fryer. Overall, he comes across as a total "bro".

Sorry you were late to your job interview, but the man who killed a 17 year old boy was allowed to walk free.

Megan McCain is a troll, and the picture is fitting. :D

Yeah, but she's at maximum DERP here. She tweeted a haute hippie tee shirt slogan and then some stupid sex shaming thing. The DERP picture is appropriate.

Oh my god. Look at that bouffant! She is surpassing the mental image of her I had in my head.

Naw dog, you need to say something. Silence is perceived as tacit agreement. All you have to say is, "Wow, what an incredibly classless way to express an ignorant opinion" and just leave it at that.

I think you mean sweet pants, and I concur: those pants are totally sweet!

I had a male friend offer to take me on an all-expense paid vacation to the Bahamas once. I told him I was uncomfortable accepting a gift of that magnitude, but he assured me that it was just him being generous and that him and his brother would do that for any of their friends. I reluctantly got comfortable with

My biggest crush deal breakers is people who don't agree with me politically. I'm so right about everything, you'd have a hard time convincing me otherwise. If I start talking politics to you and you have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm over it; If we start talking politics and you can't express your views

Yeah, and the food is usually shitty, to boot. It's because you're paying for the space that you're at, plus the food, drinks, and the cost of the caterers. It's stupidly expensive.

I don't think it's really a "thing". I think the real "thing" here is the male gaze and how we're always supposed to be smiling because YOU'RE TOO PRETTY TO NOT BE SMILING. Fuck everyone who's ever told me to smile.

I'm obtuse. Someone did this to me, I think? I'm not sure. She asked me to hang out in August, I told her I couldn't make it. Then I tried calling her over Thanksgiving and I didn't hear from her. I never heard from her again. I have no idea what happened to her or if I did something wrong. I can't think of

If I'm a campus liberal that I'm also pro-palestine so that negates your posit that I'm avoiding the "validity of [your] statement". You should brush up on your vocab and the meaning of "sarcasm".

Whoa, dropping the N-bomb. Stay classy.

I like the way you think. That being said, you get what you deserve for buying something so stupid as "Boston Strong". Were there not warning bells going off in your head telling you, "Wait! This is a cheap plagiarism of 'Live Strong'. This is going to be embarrassing."?