
We do live in a crumbling society. Morality has plummeted into a morass of debauchery, sin, and lowbrow attempts at relevance. We, as a people, strive for attention, and by doing so, we make fools of ourselves and others at the expense of culture and refinement. I understand you may feel overshadowed by another man's

I always wonder about the weight of the guys who have that rule. I bet the vast majority of them could loose a few pounds themselves.

For your consideration: Sam Claflin as a brunette.

One of my experiences with a guy I once talked to.

Guy: So, where do you live?

Me: Long Island.

Does he make $7.00 an hour?

No, that's why it's just called "The Challenge" now. There are still Real World seasons but I don't know if anyone watches them. Some of these folks are 35+ which is what I find so fucking funny. I'm almost 28 and nowhere near having a decent career, but watching this show makes me so glad to be myself and not them.

Watch out for my body rolls!

Now playing

I've had it in my head for three straight days since showing this gloriousness to my boyfriend. ULTIMATE EARWORM!

Stay classy, religious right.

I'm probably the only one, but I find him unsettling. He seems soulless.

So Aaryn and GinaMarie don't know they've lost their jobs? hahahaha

So did the dog actually say it? I didn't hear anything remotely sounding like "i love you", even from a dog.

Nope, not sexist! He pulls male colleagues into his lap all the time!

I hope she shares more of the secrets hidden in her giant, Stepford hair. Like, when are the best sales at Chicos? Should I get those stick-figure decals for my minivan? Why does my husband "work late" so often?

"the universe of women he can marry is limitless"

Anytime Gywneth Palthrow says anything Jezebel writes about it in such a way so to encourage girl on girl crime. Not cool and not taking the bait. Besides the above quotes are beyond reasonable it's boring.

Yep, same same. My "friend" actually constantly insisted that we were really just friends when I brought up the fact that I thought he saw me more as a potential date than a friend. But then anytime we went somewhere, he insisted on paying. He bought me things, sometimes expensive things, and if I tried to refuse them

Yes! Story time!


I'm so excited I feel like throwing up.