The Butcher

“I will tell you in time, whether or not I think she’s hot.” - Hank

“damn shes hot!” - Hank Baskett

When you casually talking about where to eat and all your friends agree upon Applebee’s

By this moment, I think you mean climax, literally.

Now playing

i remember growing up watching Rebecca Sealfon do the most disturbing shit had ever seen (at the time) ...the pauses and erratic behavior was all building towards this moment

No. Just no.




you don’t have to bring race into this, the fact they are black has nothing to do with their stellar skills as broadcasters

16 year old girl: why’d you stop peeing on me??

i began holding myself and woke my children to hide in the basement after that laugh...fuck me that was chilling

That was the least erotic video involving a massive Dong and an equally massive pair of breasts that I’ve ever watched.

“its so hard to catch trout” - me every weekend at my local fishing hole :(

i really want to hear the first place worst day of your life!

the guy in the back on the vine made me think of it...thats really all the correlation i can come up with, but i knew a few people needed it today

Really lost as to the reason you posted this. Still, I’m on about cycle 34 of the gif and not sure I’m stopping anytime soon.

hes actually a 2nd string catcher and hates the coach...he wants the fire SQUELCHED big time

Actually dude with the fake hose is being counter productive. Why would you want the fire to go out when you need a rally? I'm great at parties. : )