
In my experience, the people who get the most bent out of shape over these types of discussions are generally the ones who also need to do some self-reflection about their own drinking.  People who don’t have a problem with alcohol simply don’t get this upset over it.

No, that’s called “alcoholism”.

I could be wrong but I think the reason why so many states upped the drinking age from 18 to 21 is because they found data showing that rates of drunk driving decreased significantly in those states with the higher drinking age.  Bottom line is:  you can’t police the behavior of other people 100% of the time.  If

Alcohol is the ultimate mood altering substance in that there are no specific receptors in the brain for which it will work—it works on all of them because it goes everywhere that water goes.

They’re talking about harms done to others by one person’s drinking. If your father drinks like a fish it won’t give you cancer.

Bingo.  I’m sick to death of my gas generator.

Sounds like Tennessee alright. Never forget that, in 2008, Tennessee was the only state in the Union where Republican turnout increased when Barack Obama was elected President.  Psychopathic, fucking assholes.

For Christ’s sake.  Ross just needs to tell him, “yes, sir, we’ve included the question.  Very sorry for the mixup”, and Trump would drop it.

“She knew Beau, she knows me,”

Regarding marathon cheating, generally...why don’t the race organizers simply put rfid tags on their numbers and have those tags ping the route every mile?  Cheating would stop right then and there.

I have a friend who calls himself a Libertarian, but that’s only because one of his children is gay.  He’s really a die hard Republican who votes straight party line.

that two party system served him plenty well until Amash personally became a victim of it.

What you tell them is, “right the fuck now, or it’s back in the basement with you.”

Please tell me he didn’t actually say that.  Christ.

Then you should stay home, because you are a menace to the rest of us.

Correct--which is precisely my point.

The minute I saw those headlines this morning, I figured I’d see this headline by the afternoon.

Actually the courts have—surprisingly enough—managed to block the vast majority of his stupid ideas. Sure, there’s a bunch of Federalist Society nuts packed in there, but even they aren’t willing to go to the lengths that Trump wants. You honestly think they’ll just let that shit slide and say, “sure, go ahead and

It also has the added benefit of making everyone in that state immediately scoff at any notion of the federal government taking a more active role in making people’s lives better.  It’s called the Long Game.